As they walked past the other apartments, Chris felt himself change. "Oh no," was the last thing he said, before becoming P.L. once again.
One of the apartment doors opened and out stepped Tank. He was pleasantly surprised to see P.L. She was dressed very similarly to the last time they met. A light green baby doll T-shirt, which had a hard time containing her large breasts, and a denim miniskirt.
Standing next to her was another girl, not as hot as P.L., but she wore similar clothes (a powder blue baby doll T-shirt and denim miniskirt) and had similar make-up and a similar hairstyle. (Just like with the priest incident, Natalie's body remained the same, but everything else about her changed, to mimic P.L.)
"Hey, Tank," P.L. said.
Tank's knees almost gave way.
"Is this the guy you were talking about?" Natalie asked, sliding up next to Tank and rubbing his chest.
"Yeah. That's him."
"You are so totally hot," Natalie whispered in Tank's ear.
P.L.'s friend may not have had the looks that P.L. had, but she certainly had the moves. Tank felt like he just won the lottery.