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27. Jon picks his first target

26. Jon encounters a man and woman

25. Jon heads into the women's loc

24. Jon talks his way into the gym

23. Jon gathers supplies for tomor

22. Jon tries to control what he t

21. Jon finds a secondhand store

20. Jon gets the security guard's

19. Jon gets stopped by a security

18. Jon stashes his bike

17. Jon finds a bike

16. Jon gets her hair

15. Jon becomes a college student

14. Jon tries to steal a car

13. Jon gains the runner's slender

12. Jon tracks down his breakfast

11. Jon wakes up hungry

10. Jon grows a pair of breasts

9. Jon gets thirsty

8. Jon gets something to eat

Teach You Not To Look: Downsizing

avatar on 2022-06-23 19:19:52

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Walking up the stairs to the cardio area Jon nervously stroked his ponytail. "Alright I just need to find a quiet area and then I can go from there." He told himself as he stepped out of the stairwell and into the cardio area. After a quick glance around the 1/3 full cardio area, Jon could see his early suspicion was correct. The majority of the people bustling about the area were women, though there were several men sprinkled throughout. "Okay so I have options." Jon thought as he starred at the ground. "There's treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and those sit down bikes." After a brief internal debate Jon settled on the recumbent bikes since they were the least packed, and they seemed like the easiest place to start.

Snaking his way through the cardio area Jon kept his eyes mostly focused on the ground as he worked his way towards the recumbent bikes. "Huh I would have expected a younger crowd..." Jon thought as he began adjusting the bike seat. The handful of women that Jon had briefly glanced at looked to be his mother's age or older. "I guess an older crowd kind of makes sense." Jon sat down on the bike to check if the seat was in the right place. "This time of day most people are still at work." Jon slightly adjusted his seat. "This must be the stay at home crowd..." Jon caught a glimpse of a woman nearby who had to be in her 70s. "Or maybe the retired crowd..." With seat to his liking Jon began to slowly pedal the bike. "Nope nope..." Jon quickly adjusted the resistance to its lowest setting. "That's better... Now let's find an easy target."

A quick glance around the cardio area revealed a few potential targets and a nearby mirrored wall that he could see his reflection in. "Perfect! I can use that to keep track of what I get." After another quick glance around the cardio area Jon settled on a pair of women walking on the treadmills a few yards in front of him. _"I guess the one on the left will do." Jon thought as he focused in on the woman who Jon figured was in early 40s. "Now what do I want?" Jon's eyes scanned the back of her body. She wasn't particularly curvy, but for her age seemed looked to be in decent shape. "I guess her butt wouldn't be bad... It's a little flat, but it would be a heck of a lot better to have than my current wagon..." Jon took a deep breath and began to concentrate on the woman's butt. "Come on... Give it to me..." Jon almost felt like he was meditating as he watched the woman's butt squish and bounce within her joggers. "I need that ass!" His inner monologue raged. "Give me that ass!"

After what felt like an eternity of ogling the woman's butt, Jon turned his attention to the display panel on the bike he was pedaling. "Whelp hopefully that worked." Jon told himself as he watched the speed reading flicker between 3 and 4 mph. "Too bad her friend didn't have anything for me." Jon briefly glanced up at the other woman. He figured she was probably 10 years older than the woman he had just targeted. "Sure she's fit, but she's just too skinny for my tastes. Still... Good for her for getting at it like that!" Jon turned his attention back to the display panel. "Look at me go!" Jon was surprised to see the speed reading was now hovering around 8 mph. "Wait a second, did I get her ass?" Jon looked down at his once again slender legs. "Holy shit I did! It worked!" Shifting a bit on the seat, Jon could tell his ass had lost a lot of extra padding. In fact the seat now felt a lot less comfortable than when he first sat down.

"Eh it could be worse." Jon thought as he studied his reflection in the nearby mirror. His body had lost quite a bit of weight leaving his arms and legs quite slender, though his little beer belly still persisted. "This will do for now, but I'm going to need to find a butt with more muscle before tomorrow." The sound of a treadmill slowing down caught Jon's attention. Looking back over at the pair of women, Jon watched the woman on the left hop off the treadmill. "I really should go thank her for her butt." Jon grinned and held back an audible chuckle.

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