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13. Green

12. Blue

11. Orange

10. They don't like their gifts

9. REALLY special effects

8. Saturday morning never looked

7. The changes at the station con

6. Tristain Meets Narayanne

5. A change in the newsroom

4. A news team

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

N: The Green Hottie

on 2009-03-16 01:18:02

997 hits, 94 views, 2 upvotes.

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(Author's note: I referred to the same character by two separate names in earlier chapters. The actual character name is Terrance, not Garth. And I seem to have forgotten how to count briefly and wrote that there were only 5 characters, four of whom were male, yet I listed six total with five males in the original list of names. Oops. Six total is the correct number.

And now back to our regularly scheduled transgender superhero ninja transformathon...)

Terrance, the new Green Hottie, pranced toward her opponents. She had tried to run barreling into them like she normally would back when she was large, muscular, and male, but her new ditsy nature was messing with her words and actions. Anyone watching would think that she wasn't aware of the danger that she was in, as her lithe frame glided gracefully toward the ninjas, leaves swirling behind her. The leaves were actually part of her new uniform. The main part really. Terrance's only actual clothing consisted of a pair of open toed heeled sandals, a forest green thong, and two green flowers that clung to her large breasts like pasties. However, from a distance it looked like she was dressed in a green strapless minidress, but a closer inspection would reveal that to be an illusion caused by the leaves that swirled about her curvaceous body in a tight, dress-like pattern. As she danced, seemingly carefree, toward the oncoming foes her long forest green hair, which hung down to the top of her cute behind when still, also flowed wildly around her, creating a beautiful swirl of green from which a glimpse of soft flesh would occasionally peek through.

A casual observer would think that they were gazing upon a forest nymph, such was her beauty, rather than a warrior. In fact, Narayanne had included a nymph trait with Terrance's transformation: the desire to not wear clothes. However, unlike regular nymphs who cavorted naked due to the desire to be seen, Terrance still had the same aversion to being seen naked that she had previously, perhaps even more so now that she had more to cover up, plus the embarrassment of appearing female in public. Instead, Terrance's desire for nudity would come from a sense of discomfort that she would feel in any area that was clothed. In most cases she would be able to handle the discomfort when in public, assuming she didn't wear any underwear and wore as little as possible. In private, though, she'd find it hard to wear even the smallest of coverings. All of this was currently lost on Terrance since she was practically naked in her uniform, but Narayanne was looking forward to watching the poor girl figure it out later.

"Like, Hi ninja guys! Do you want to play we me?" Terrance challenged her foes, her arms clasped behind her back while bouncing back and forth on her tiptoes. She had meant to say, "Prepare to be defeated in the name of Justice!", but it didn't quite come out right.

The ninjas grinned at each other as they approached the Hottie, wanting very much to 'play' with her. "Oh goody!" Terrance responded happily, "Then lets, like, have some fun! Get ready to be totally blown away! Nature's Breath!" With that, Terrance thrust her arms forward and her leaf dress began to multiply and blow forward as if caught in a gale.

For a brief moment Terrance was left only in her skimpy panties and pasties while the leaves from her dress engulfed her opponents, but they were quickly replaced as more foliage reformed her unorthodox outfit. The ninjas were not so fortunate. When the wind died down they were all shocked to discover that their black uniforms had gone with the wind. Each extra quickly covered his genitals with his hands, not wanting to be seen naked, especially not on camera.

"Uh oh! Did you all, like, lose something?" Terrance cutely taunted. "You guys look waaaay hot this way," Terrance found herself saying, much to her dismay. Although what was even more distressing was the fact that she realized that she meant it. All of those muscles and naked bodies were starting to turn her on, which was a completely foreign and confusing feeling to the new girl. Narayanne noticed, with magical clarity, the leafy girls erect nipples and grinned. Terrance, along with the rest of the team (including Jennifer), was now bisexual, and, while her and the other new girls' male psyches would still prefer the soft curves of a beautiful woman, they would also find themselves getting wet at the sight of hot man. Narayanne was enjoying the display, and decided to provide the confused former boy with knowledge of an attack that could provide her some mental relief.

"Wow! I just, like, thought of a way that you can totally get even hotter! Time for a makeover: Mud Bath!" Terrance announced while bending over at the waist and striking the ground in front of her with the palms of her hands, providing a spectacular view to anyone behind her in the process. A wave of mud shot out toward the naked ninjas covering them from head to toe and knocking them to the ground. Surprisingly, when the ninjas managed to get back up most of the mud fell off their hair and bodies, with exception of a few patches of mud that remained to cover the front of the now female ninjas' large breasts, curvaceous rears, and new womanhood. The mud had done wonders to their skin, making their bodies soft and flawless, and it had even lengthened and altered their hair into luxurious manes of silky brown. Terrance had to admit that he did prefer this view, and, without the previous mental resistance, she let herself become even more aroused.

"There, don't you all feel, like, so much sexier?" Terrance teased the ninjas. The new babes grew angry at the latest taunts and finally grouped together for a desperate, albeit naked, attack.

"Woh woh! I was, like, only trying to help. You all totally need a time out: Fairy Circle!" A series of small stones arose around Terrance and then flew toward the nude ninjas, surrounding and trapping them in a field of mystic energy. Even as they pounded against the mystic barrier, their muddy mammaries bouncing in time with their exertions, the ninja girls began to shrink, eventually ending at about six inches in height. The doll sized girls then fell to their hands in mild pain as tiny insect wings burst from their backs. The mini-ninja fairies stared at their new bodies in shock, and, as instinct took over, they took to the air to try to find the non-existent exit, their tiny, yet proportionally large, breasts bouncing around wildly.

Fortunately for the show's editors, the pixies were too small to have any details of their nudity caught on camera, and there was a faint glow surrounding each of them that obscured the naughty details further. Which was a good thing, Narayanne noted, since she wanted to save some FCC officials to have fun with later. "That reminds me, I wonder how the first one is do...oh my!" Narayanne giggled, surprised by how quickly the former man had given in to her urges.

The busty babe was currently lying naked in a park fountain, her cardboard censor bars forgotten. She had one hand tweaking her excited nipples and the other hand rubbing furiously at her engorged clit. Unfortunately for her, she had been in that position for several minutes without climaxing since only eight people were there to enjoy the show. "Wait, make that nine," Narayanne noted, as a policeman came to interrupt the bathing beauty. As much fun as it would be to watch the horny woman suffer through a night in solitary, Narayanne didn't want the fun to end just yet, so she decided to include the new arrival in the game. Once he touched the girl in the fountain, the policeman felt a sudden draft as his police uniform fadded away, save for the police badge that remained on his chest, and the police cap on his head. A moment later that badge became a makeshift pasty as giant breasts sprang from his chest. He then let out a confused squeal as he felt his dick harden completely, becoming a phallic shaped night stick that was buried several inches deep into her new vagina. Two blond pigtails sprang out of holes in her cap, completing her transformation into a cute, young busty babe. The crowd fled in terror after observing the transformation, leaving the poor censor even more frustrated. The sexy cop tried to remove her former dick from her tight pussy, but lust overcame her the moment she toughed it, and instead of pulling it out, she plunged it in even further. Now there were two naked girls pleasuring themselves in the park fountain, one that could find no release without the crowd and one that could only be satisfied by her new night stick.

"That was fun," thought Narayanne as she returned her attention to the the fight in front of her. She gave an amused smile at the sight of the Green Hottie dancing around the stone circle in victory, the naked ninja fairies fitting about furiously.

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