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12. Blue

11. Orange

10. They don't like their gifts

9. REALLY special effects

8. Saturday morning never looked

7. The changes at the station con

6. Tristain Meets Narayanne

5. A change in the newsroom

4. A news team

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

N: The Blue Hottie

on 2009-03-14 16:57:03

1212 hits, 95 views, 3 upvotes.

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Matt, the new Blue Hottie, was having trouble running to confront her group of enemies. She was having a hard time balancing in her light blue 3 inch heels, but she had a bigger problems to deal with. Two bigger problems to be precise. Narayanne had gifted her with the largest breasts out of all six of the Hotties. They were easily in the J-cup range and were about as big as beach balls, but still looked impossibly firm and round. Between her new top-heavy status and sexy footwear, Matt could barely move without falling forward. She had to arch her back and thrust her new assets forward as much as possible in order to move with any speed or balance. Fortunately for her, her opponents were content to watch the poor girl try to advance rather than attack.

She was truly a sight to behold. Her giant breasts looked ridiculous, yet sexy, on her petite frame. Her body was now only about 5'2'', with thin, sexy limbs, and curves in all of the right places. Her hair had grown out to shoulder length and was now the same light blue color as her shoes and uniform, which had dwindled away to a one-piece swimsuit. Well, more of a one-and-a-half-piece swim suit. The bottom of the suit was very high-cut, showing off all of her shapely thighs, and there was a large gap in the middle that revealed her tight stomach and belly-button. The top of the suit ended a little bit above her giant rack. When viewed from the back, though, Matt appeared practically naked, with just a thin band of fabric running up through her cheeks and attaching at the horizontal band midway up her back that held the whole thing in place. The rest of her body was bare, except for one notable exception. Resting on her shoulders were two large objects that look like cannons, which had tubes running from them to the front of her breasts, a fact that Matt noticed warily.

It was at this point that the new girl noticed her opponents ogling her, and it was also at this point that her new dominant personality trait asserted itself: Embarrassment.

"NoooooooOOOOOOOooooo!" Matt whined cutely while crouching down and attempting to cover herself with her arms. "Stop staring at me like that!"

The ninjas, encouraged by the cowering of the Heroine, continued to advance on her. Unfortunately for them, Matt's new shy body took over and unleashed her first new power.

"I mean it, STOP STARING!" Matt shouted. "I'll make you stop! Milk Blast!" Milk began to flow from her breasts and into her shoulder cannons, causing her to perform a full body blush. The ninjas didn't have time to admire the display as twin streams of milk shot out towards them, blasting the two ninjas nearest to Matt.

The affected ninjas stood up, dazed and different. Their hoods had been blasted away by the magic milk, revealing beautiful faces with long flowing chocolate brown hair. The rest of their bodies had also been feminized to match their new faces, but that wasn't all. From their chests now hung three rows of breasts, and a small cow's tail now extended from just above their new plump rears.

The remaining ninjas scattered to avoid being hit by Matt's milk blasts and then regrouped to begin their attack again. By that point the two cow-girls had recovered enough to try joining the fight, but their movements were awkward, having never dealt with balancing breasts, let alone six of them, before.

The milk attack had caused Matt's breasts to shrink a bit down to merely a large E-cup, but they were beginning to expand again as her body restocked her mammary munitions. Rather than deplete her supply further, and because the Milk Blast attack was embarrassing as hell even without the heightened sensitivity to embarrassment that Narayanne given her, Matt placed her hand on her shoulder canons to activate another firing mode. Ports in the back of the devices opened up and rapidly sucked up large amounts of moisture from the atmosphere.

"Ice Water!" Matt shouted, causing her cannons to fire torrents of cold water at the approaching ninjas. She was REALLY glad that she had a second type of attack. Both her male mind and new shy personality didn't think she could handle another Milk Blast. She did like that her breasts had shrunk to a less outrageous size, even if it was only temporary, but all of that pumping had left her nipples sore. And even worse, Narayanne had made Matt's twin gifts super-sensitive, and her combat milking had left her in a highly aroused state. The only things that kept Matt from falling on her back and kneading her breast to her first female orgasm were the imminent danger from her attackers and the reluctance of her male mind to embrace her new body so fully.

Any hints of arousal that Matt may have shown were lost on the attacking ninjas as they tried to dodge her new attack. Three of them were unable to do so, one of which was a twice unlucky cow-girl. The changes occurred rapidly upon their soaking. The male ninjas bodies rapidly curved to porn star proportions as the water washed away their masculinity, and the cow-ninja became even sexier, her six breasts ballooning outward to the point that she could barely stand. All of their uniforms were also affected, with pants shrinking to become tight white cotton panties and shirts thining out to form skimpy white tank tops. By the time the water stopped, the new girls looked less like shadow warriors and more like contestants in a wet T-shirt contest, their dripping wet hair and thin clothes clinging to their new curves leaving little to the imagination, but not showing quite enough to get them in trouble with the FCC. All of them were shivering from the effects of the cold water, their wet clothes providing no warmth, and their nipples standing rock hard erect in the cold air.

Only the few ninjas that avoided the attacks, and the other cow-girl, were in any condition to continue their assault, but they all hesitated, unable to think of a way to get close without getting drenched by milk or water and being transformed. Their hesitation proved costly, as it gave Matt time to launch her ultimate attack, "Sculpting Ice!" Blue energy seemed to gather in front of her shoulder cannons, bulging a bit in the front, before finally discharging and bathing all of her enemies in shining blue light. Under the effect of the light, all of the ninjas' clothes instantly vanished as a layer of ice encased their bodies. As the ice thikened it forced their limbs into new positions while rearranging and sculpting their bodies into beautiful new forms.

"Wow..." Matt whispered, amazed at what she had done. Her final attacked had just finished transforming her enemies into beautiful, nude ice sculptures, each one posed seductively, yet modestly, with their frozen arms covering their icy naughty bits, or attempting to do so in the case of the two icy cow-girls. "That was ... amazing!" Matt happily squealed, while jumping up and down excitedly. Unfortunately, she had forgotten about her new super-sensitive breasts, now back to their original massive size, which bounced up and down wildly from all of the motion. Her large erect nipples rubbed against their constraints, pushing her already highly aroused body to the brink of ecstasy.

"Ahh....," Matt moaned lustfully, bending slightly at the waist while clutching her bosom. With the danger past, the confusion of her male mind was not enough to keep her from wanting to push herself over the edge, but she was still unable to bring her body to do so. "Oh no you don't," Narayanne thought to herself, 'we can't have you play with yourself or orgasm while the cameras are rolling. That would definitely get us in trouble with the censors." Not that she was too worried about the censors. So far only one had noticed the almost pornographic newscast, which was still currently airing, and before he could do anything about it Narayanne had dropped her off in the middle of a crowded park with only two small, black cardboard rectangles to be used to cover up her giant tits, tight bald pussy, and plump ass. As an added bonus, the fewer people able to see her naked, the hornier she would be. If she managed to get herself alone, she'd be so consumed with need that she'd be onstantly on the brink of orgasm. But she would only be able to find release if she had a crowed of at lest ten people watching her.

Narayanne giggled a little at her mischief as she returned her attention back to the scene in front of her, enjoying the struggles of the poor girl in blue. Matt was shuddering in need, her whole body flushed red with desire and embarrassment. "Don't worry," Narayanne thought to herself, "you'll get some relief during the show's climax." Narayanne suddenly started giggling again, having noticed her most recent pun.

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