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11. Orange

10. They don't like their gifts

9. REALLY special effects

8. Saturday morning never looked

7. The changes at the station con

6. Tristain Meets Narayanne

5. A change in the newsroom

4. A news team

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

N: The Orange Hottie

on 2009-03-13 04:40:36

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Don, the new Orange Hottie, approached a small group of ninjas nervously. The new girl was trying hard not to fall out of her new uniform, which, like her old armor, was bright Orange. But that was where the similarities ended. Her new outfit only really had three items: a small pair of heeled boots, a skimpy corset/bustier, and a pair of super tight, leather low rider pants. REALLY low rider pants. In fact, the pants looked more like a a pair of pant legs that were joined together by the smallest amount of leather possible. The top of her deliciously rounded rear was on full display, with about an inch of her crack showing even when the pants were pulled up to their highest. And that was the modest part. In the front, the waistline just barely rose above Don's virgin slit, putting her pubic hair, which, she discovered, was neatly trimmed to look like a small flame, on full display. It also showed conclusively that her bright orange hair, which flowed in wild waves down to the small of her back, was indeed her natural hair color. Her whole look gave off almost a dominatrix vibe, which would have lent itself well to her fiery personality. Unfortunately, Narayanne didn't like his attitude after he threatened her earlier, so the fiery personality had left with her Y chromosome.

"Stop right there ... if you wouldn't mind," Don timidly squeaked out. She had wanted that to sound more forceful, but her new dominant personality trait was twisting all of her words and actions. "I'd like it very much if you would please surrender."

The ninjas, sensing an easy victory that might spare them from Narayanne's wrath, ignored the small girl's pleas and began their attack.

"Eeep!" Don exclaimed as she ducked to avoid the ninja's shuriken. She then 'Eeep!'ed again as she felt the cool air on ass, which she had exposed while bending forward. She quickly fixed her pants (this is a children's show after all), but had to quickly dodge more shurikens. She had been quite acrobatic back when she was a he, and her instinct took over as she flipped and somersaulted around the enemy attacks. Her new costume, however, was not designed with such feats in mind, and she had to constantly struggle to keep her large breasts from popping out of her top, and to keep her pants from descending even further down her legs and showing her enemies just how thorough her transformation had been.

"Please! Stop!" Don pleaded, back to the camera, while stuffing her right breast back into her top after a particularly impressive back flip. "I can barely keep my boobs in this stupid outfit. Please don't make me run anymore," she begged, even as the ninjas continued to advance on her.

It was at that moment that knowledge of her new powers came to her mind. Summoning what remained of her firey spirit, Don exclaimed, "Fine then, let's see how you like it: Hot Flashes!" The Heroine in orange thrust forward her fists as if punching the air and fired off a series of orange sparks at the ninjas. As each one hit, the recipient felt a burning sensation on their chest, rear, or groin, and were compelled to lift away their clothing to cool off the affected area. That's when the second part of the spell kicked in. Once the skin was revealed, the exposed flesh instantly twisted into a pleasing female shape, causing the ninjas to inadvertently flash their new breasts, butts, and vaginas at their fiery opponent, who was standing in such a way that the cameras could see what was happening, but could not film any actual nudity, thus keeping the shows rating intact.

Unfortunately for Don, her strange attack had only managed to embarrass and enrage her enemies, their ill fitting closes and remaining manly features making them look more like ugly tomboys. As they resumed their attack, Don let loose with her second new power.

"Fire Crotch!" Don declared while thrusting her pelvis toward the ninjas. Waves of flame shot out from her sculpted pubic hair, engulfing her enemies. Internally, Don was furious at having to use such a demeaning attack, but externally that rage was only displayed as embarrassment as a full blush spread from her face down to the top of her ample breasts. When the attack subsided, the figures that emerged looked little like the ninjas that had started the fight. The ninjas were now a group of hot, busty redheads. Their uniforms were charred to ash around them, leaving the group mostly naked but with enough cloth left to ensure that nothing forbidden was shown. The formerly male extras grabbed their new bodies in shock. The shock quickly turned to desperation as the new women made one final push against the Heroine, hoping that victory would mean that they would be returned to normal.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but I don't want to fight anymore: Refining Fire!" Don shouted. A corona of flame shot out from her body and engulfed her enemies. When the mystic flame had spent itself, all that remained of the ninjas were several golden statues. All remnants of their clothes were gone, leaving only smooth metal behind. Aside from their shocked expressions, they were actually quite beautiful.

"I'm so sorry," Don said, "but you left me no choice. Maybe we can be friends after the spell wears off in a few hours," she offered while lightly rubbing the top of her sore breasts. All of that jumping around had hurt a bit.

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