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6. Making a Life Together

5. Stop the World

4. Able to Satisfy

3. Suprises Close To Home

2. The Perfect Partener

1. You Are What You Wish

Perfect Partners: Making a Life Together

on 2022-06-22 07:25:35

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"But if I start time up right now we may have other problems," Jon joked, making Sarah giggle cutely. Actually, Jon was finding everything about Sarah cute, now that she knew her a little better.

"Well, we have a wishing rock, darling" Jon's spine tingled at the term of endearment, "I'm sure we can fix things so no one freaks out."

Jon scratched her new chin, thinking about what to do. "I suppose I can wish it that I was always a girl..."

"Let's wish for some specifics, since we saw the stone can go a bit wild when we're vague" Sarah astutely added. Jon nodded, "Okay I wish that when time resumed reality will change along the lines Sarah and I specify and it will return to this morning when we woke up. I also wish the two of us remembered the original world but could recall any specific information we needed about the new one. That seem good?"

Sarah nodded; the wish would only take effect once they'd agreed on what to change about Jon's new life. "So to start I think the basics are that you were born a girl and have lived as one your whole life. That should cover the panic caused by your little transformation." Jon furrowed her elegant brow "I'll need a new name. Hmm, How about Jasmine? She was my favorite princess and it's still a J name." Sarah smiled widely, "It's nice to meet you Jasmine."

Jasmine's heart swelled at the sound of her new name on Sarah's lips. She then looked a little nervous as she proposed the next change "I know we don't want to change them into people they're not, but what if we made it so all of our parents are pro-lgbt?"

Sarah smiled sadly, "I agree that seems like a good idea. I'd like it if daddy came around on his own but I don't think we can trust it, and I don't want him to keep us apart." Sarah forced the gloom off her face, "but let's finish fleshing out the life of Jasmine Elaina Gibson."


"You need a middle name, why don't you like it?

"No, I love it." Jasmine was over the moon to have one of her names chosen by Sarah. The more the two talked, no longer divided by Karyn and Biff, the more in sync they became.

"Right, so I'm thinking you should have a full feminine wardrobe, to avoid further malfunctions" Sarah gestured to the ripped pants on the floor. "Also makeup, accessories and girl's shoes. I know it's all going to be new to you, but I can help. Also you've got a really pretty body now and should get to show it off." The usually confident Sarah blushed at the end of her statement and Jasmine felt pride at having had that effect on someone for the first time.

"I agree. I'd also like to do gymnastics, I think? It always seemed fun when I was little, but dad said it was for girls and sissies. He, uh, isn't around anymore but he wasn't the greatest when I was little." It was Sarah's turn to have her heart break for her soulmate. However in her case the sorrow quickly turned to anger, and she silently promised to ruin Roger Gibson if he hurt Jasmine again. "I think you'll make a great gymnast!" She said confidently, "Plus it's a lot of the same exercises as cheerleading, we can practice together!" Jasmine's face reddened even more at the idea of working out all alone in the gym with Sarah, wearing nothing but tight sports bras and short shorts. She forced herself to refocus. The two girls sat on the ground against their teacher's desk as they continued to plan out the shifts.

"Yeah! Uh, do you want to change reality so you didn't date Biff?" Jasmine presented it as a question, but increasingly didn't want anyone else near Sarah in a romantic context. Sarah paused, she hadn't considered that possibility. Without needing a cover for her parents, there was no reason to have ever dated Biff and honestly she'd be happy not to have a history with him "Yes" Jasmine smiled at her response before Sarah continued, "In fact let's make it so we both came out as freshmen and our friends and family were supportive. Should we already be dating?"

Jasmine frowned a little at that, "I don't want to skip anything with you. I want to be here to actually experience the firsts you know?" Sarah fell a little more in love at that answer. Everyone she'd dated before saw her as a possession or a boon to their reputation; Jasmine was already making her feel valued as a person. "So maybe we just started dating over spring break? I could have stayed here instead of going to Tiffany's beach house. That'd give us a reason to explain our closeness but still leave us with lots of firsts." Sarah suggested.

Jasmine nodded emphatically, looking like an adorable kitten to Sarah. "That's good for me. But it brings us to another question, should we blend friend groups? I don't have a lot of friends, pretty much just Karyn and the two of you don't exactly ... get along"

Sarah grimaced at that; in truth she missed Karyn. They'd been good friends in elementary school but grew apart as they got older. She could admit a lot of it was her fault, pursuing popularity, but some of it was also on Karyn and her propensity to hold grudges. "I think I'd like it if Karyn and I never grew apart and all three of us were friends already." Sarah suggested quietly, "That's if you're okay with it. I don't want to mess with your friendship."

Jasmine waved her off, "I think that's a good idea. Karyn doesn't like to admit it but she misses you too." Sarah smiled a little, learning that her childhood friend hadn't forgotten their friendship. "What about your friends?"

Sarah leaned unconsciously against Jasmine as she thought about it. "Well, there's a few of them I'm not that interested in continuing to be friends with. Tiffany and Steve are just mean. I hang with them because they're the vice-captain and basketball captain, but they can be cruel. Same with Biff to a degree, though he's more dumb than mean. My real best friend is probably Amber, she's a peach, you're going to love her. How about we make Amber and maybe Eliza and Melissa friends with you and Karyn too?"

Jamine stroked Sarah's hair as she replied, "I think I'd like that. I always wanted more friends." Sarah silently vowed to make sure Jasmine never felt alone again. Jasmine had another suggestion, "What if we made Amber the Vice-captain instead of Tiffany, then you wouldn't have to spend as much time with her planning routines and stuff."

Sarah could kiss the girl, "Jazz, darling, you're a genius. Let's absolutely do that. Let's also shift me, Amber and Karyn to your homeroom so we can hangout in the morning. Anything else we should do?"

Jasmine shook her head, "I think that's enough for the moment. We don't want to change too much at once." She raised the stone in front of her, "I wish that time would restart and we'd wake up to the new reality." With a blinding flash of light they were gone.

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