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5. Stop the World

4. Able to Satisfy

3. Suprises Close To Home

2. The Perfect Partener

1. You Are What You Wish

Perfect Partners: Stop the World

on 2022-06-22 06:44:36

1820 hits, 183 views, 6 upvotes.

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Jon swayed on her feet, awash with new sensations; her newly sensitive breasts chafing against the fabric of her stretched tee shirt. Students were literally screaming and most of the class had fled the room, save a few stunned onlookers. Sarah seemed entranced by him and she desperately wanted to sit down and talk to the other girl but she needed to do something to avert a panic first. She scrambled on the ground where her ripped pants had fallen and fished the stone out of her pocket.

"I wish the world around me would freeze until I willed it to start again, with the exception of me and Sarah" There was a flash of light and suddenly all of her remaining classmates stood as still as statues. Sarah took a tentative step towards Jon and asked in a much softer voice than she'd heard from the cheerleader before, "Jon what on earth is happening."

Part of Jon wanted to be cagey with her response, but a large part knew she could trust Sarah. So much of her personality as she'd known it seemed like a front now and thanks to the magic of the stone, Jon felt like she'd glimpsed the proud loyal woman within. So she explained everything, starting with receiving the stone and the ill fated test with Karyn the day before, all the way to the wish she'd made the night before.

"I guess I made the wish because I'm sort of.... lonely" Jon haltingly stated in her new dulcet voice. "I didn't want to change who anyone was or force someone to love me but I thought with the stone I could find someone and they could find me. I realize it sounds pretty stupid..."

"No it doesn't" Sarah argued, drawing closer placing a comforting hand on Jon's arm. "I get that. I may not look it but... I get loneliness. My parents have never been the most present and when they are they just want me to live up to their image of what I should be. I think that's why I chase status so much; it's the only thing they ever really praised me for." Jon's heart broke for the girl in front of her and tears welled in her eyes. She'd completely misjudged Sarah, and was fairly sure the blonde had never admitted this to someone before.

"So, that stone putting it all in perspective. Measuring it all against the possibility of ... love, is something I'm grateful for. I'd hate to think what I could have ignored without it intervening." Sarah gave a small smile to Jon as she spoke which the new girl shyly reciprocated.

"There's only one thing I don't understand." Jon began. "Why did the magic transform me into a girl?

Sarah paused. "Do you not like being a girl?"

Jon was taken aback by the question, but decided to really consider it. She hadn't really experience life as a girl but physically she didn't feel all that bad. She felt fairly good actually. "No, I mean, so far it feels kinda nice. It's just confusing."

"Well," Sarah started, "You wished for us to be able to satisfy each other, and well um, I like girls."

Jon was stunned at that, "But you're dating Biff, and those other guys before him?"

Sarah shuddered, she was finding the thought of Biff having his hands on her again more repulsive by the minute. "He's someone my parents pushed on me; mom dated the high school quarter back so I should too, y'know? Plus daddy's a bit conservative and so I've been, reluctant to be my true self. Suffice to say my relationship with Biff ended today."

"You broke up?"

"I'm going to the second time starts up. I met someone I'm much more interested in, if she'll go out with me." Sarah finished sweetly, clasping her hands together in front of her, looking much more genuine than Jon had ever seen her. Jon blushed deeply and replied "I think she'd like that."

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