When he began to feel himself losing height, he feared for the worst. He cursed himself for not reading better quality literature than the trashy fantasy/action hero that he was slowly becoming.
The book described the maiden in great detail. Apparently she was tall, blonde, and virginal, complete with heaving bosoms. The hero was rescuing her from a witch who had been planning on using her as a sacrifice for her spell.
He looked at his body, and it occurred to him that the 4'11" he'd stopped shrinking at was far too short for a statuesque blonde. Heart pounding, he ran to the full length mirror in his bed room, tripping over his clothing. Upon seeing his reflection, he realized that his hair was not growing long and blonde, but getting curlier and turning a salt-and-pepper grey.
Then he began inflating. In seconds, his calves and thighs plumped, his hips expanded and his ass stuck out like a bushel. He looked down to watch his breasts and belly inflate, and noticed that he was wearing striped stockings and pointed black shoes.
It wasn't until he saw the jars in his closet labeled "rats whiskers," "dead man's tooth," and "eye of newt" that he realized what was going on. And then he promptly passed out.