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9. Familiar Faces

8. Becoming the Woman of the Hous

7. Finishing the Look

6. Looking good

5. The next phase

4. Jon makes a woman out of himse

3. Home alone 2

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Mandatory Milf: Familiar Faces

on 2022-06-14 23:30:27

1948 hits, 168 views, 4 upvotes.

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While the stone could do nearly everything, it often defaulted to the smaller of two possible changes when someone made an ambiguously worded wish. In this case that resulted in Melissa gaining a family by reassigning existing humans rather than making new ones out of whole cloth, as Melissa was about to discover.

"Mama, have you seen my cellphone?" A familiar sounding voice called from downstairs. Melissa jumped, she hadn't fully realized she'd be forced into her role so quickly. "Uh, no I haven't," She called back. Her skirt pinched her bottom and she hastily added, "darling." Melissa minced back down the stairs to discover Sarah McMillan of all people searching the cracks of the sofa, looking for her cell phone. The head cheerleader seemed totally nonplussed by Melissa's presence. "Found it!" Sarah declared, holding her phone triumphantly over head. She then turned to Melissa and pulled her into a casual hug. "Good evening Mama, how was your day"

Jon instinctively wanted to enjoy being hugged by the hottest girl in school, but found his enchanted clothes wouldn't countenance a mother groping her daughter. Her ring guided her left hand and her watch directed her right, and soon she found herself gently threading her fingers through Sarah's hair in a maternal fashion. "It was fine, sweetie" Melissa responded in her dulcet tones. It was so odd to be near a Sarah that apparently loved her and it was a little offputting to see the girl she thought of as a mean girl acting so sweetly.

She turned when she heard the door open behind her, only to see Athena Devries walking in, although not quite as she knew her. Athena, who's hair was now a wavy brown similar to Melissa's own instead of its dyed black, wasn't dressed in her typical gothic fashion, and instead wore bohemian but expensive clothes, looking more like a granola girl into crystals than a hardcore occultist. She waved casually to Melissa and Sarah.

"Hey Mama, hey Sar-bear. Any idea what we're doing for dinner?"

Melissa hadn't realized her family would be made of existing people and she felt an intense pleasure at being a literal MILF to two of her classmates. Although it was strange to think of Athena and Sarah now being sisters. Did this mean she was married to Roger McMillan now, or Anthony Devries? Her questions were quickly answered as a voice sounded from behind her.

"I thought I'd take my favorite three girls out for dinner at Les Roux tonight if that works for you" declared Melissa's new spouse with a mischievous voice.

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