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10. Zoe Claims Her New Life

9. Karyn Makes the Final Choice

8. Roger Selects

7. Mikey Picks Next

6. John Gets to Choose

5. Linda Goes Next

4. Zoe Selects First

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Claims Her New Life

on 2022-06-12 02:06:17

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Zoe was the first out the door, catching the crosstown bus to Lake Valley General Hospital, where Talia Park worked. The goth was wearing a typical outfit for her, a leather skirt, fishnet leggings, combat boots, and a black and purple striped top with a skull motif. Cheap skull shaped studs sat in her ears and her face was adorned with its typical heavy dark makeup.

Soon enough the bus pulled into the stop near the hospital. It hadn't been the most pleasant ride; it was hot, crowded and smelled like a burst septic tank. However Zoe consoled herself by remembering she wouldn't be leaving via the same means. Instead she'd be driving Talia Park's mint green Jaguar. Zoe showed her paper to the person running admissions and was quickly waved through to go and find Dr. Park on the 8th floor. Everyone in town knew about the game and would do nothing to disrupt it. Zoe exited the lift and found herself walking through a mostly administrative area of the hospital.

Dr. Park wasn't some intern or resident, working long hours, and constantly on call. She was one of the most senior doctors there despite her youth, and had recently earned the title of Chief of Surgery. That came with certain perks, such as reduced personal hours, a massive paycheck, and a plush private office that Zoe was walking into now. Talia Park was leaning back in her expensive leather office chair, reviewing the new rotation for surgical interns when she looked up to see Zoe Gibson standing in her doorway. Her stomach dropped; she'd been selected.

"Good afternoon, it's nice to formally meet you. I'm Dr. Talia Park" she began in her typical firm tone before Zoe cut her off. "No your not. I'm Dr. Talia Park, and I'll thank you to get out of my clothes."

Zoe smirked as she pulled the door closed for the two to begin the exchange. She loved this part of it. Having played the game many times before, Zoe was quick to shed her identity. Her clothes came off first, settling in a pile to the side of Dr. Park's office. Next she took her makeup removing wipes from her purse and completely removed her gothic mask, making her look much softer than normal. Her cheap jewelry was set in a pile atop her clothes and she set her purse on Dr. Park's desk after removing vials and tubes of gothic makeup for Talia to use.

Talia was much slower to change, her innate reluctance to relinquish her identity clashing with the Stone born compulsion to follow the rules of the game. First she removed her lab coat, setting it across the back of her chair. Next she stepped out of the strappy heels she'd been wearing; she wasn't a terribly tall woman and liked the extra height they gave her. Then she slowly took off her green Bloomingdale pussybow blouse. This was followed her knee length pinstripe pencil skirt, and she set both expensive garments carefully on the desk.

Zoe was excited by what she saw at this point. Dr. Park was wearing a red satin bra and matching thong that she reluctantly began taking off. "I've been seeing someone for the past year. It's been going rather well, so I was going to surprise him tonight..." Talia muttered as her undergarments joined her things on the table.

"Don't worry, he will be," Zoe replied with a smile.

Talia now turned to her jewelry, first removing the dangling diamond earrings from either ear. This was followed by her golden Cartier watch and Prada purse. She paused before removing her last piece of jewelry, a woman's wedding ring that dangled around her neck form a silver chain. "I never take this off... It belonged to my mother.She died when I was very young. The inscription is Korean for Ever Beloved..." The good doctor was obviously getting emotional at parting with it. Zoe however, didn't miss a beat. She walked forward to the other nude woman, reached around her neck and undid the clasp on the necklace. Then in one fluid motion she removed it from Dr. Park's neck and attatched it to her own, letting the ring nestle between her breasts as it had for Talia.

"I believe you're mistaken," Zoe began, glee showing in her eyes. "This ring belonged to my mother, who loved me very much before she passed. You can't have been wearing it because I never take it off. As for the inscription, I'm sure you have no idea what it says as Zoe Gibson doesn't speak Korean. I'm the multilingual one in this office, with an exotic cultural history."

Tears welled in Dr. Park's eyes but she blinked them away. She was a strong person, she could get through this. Zoe pulled out her makeup wipes and removed Talia's tasteful lipstick and eyeliner. She then recreated the same look on herself almost exactly, playing the game had made her something of a savant when it came to make up. She was still clearly Zoe Gibson but the makeup gave her a hint of Talia's more angular features and elegant style. Zoe then luxuriated in donning Dr. Park's clothes, still warm from the other woman. She fastened her skirt and made sure her blouse was tucked properly.

She slipped Dr. Park's watch on her wrist and added the exquisite diamond earrings to her ear, enjoying the slight weight as they dangled. Finally she slipped into Talia's sandles, now standing slightly taller than the other woman. Her transition was nearing completion, and she finished it by redoing her hair in Talia's usual updo. A casual observer could now be forgiven for mistaking her for Dr. Talia Park. The blouse wasn't quite as filled out and Zoe was obviously Caucasian, but it was still a remarkable impersonation.

"You need to dress, young lady," Zoe said, imitating Talia's commanding tones. Talia began to dress in Zoe's discarded clothes, wincing slightly as the obviously cheaper fabric touched her skin. As she stuck the skull studs in her ears she muttered, "I can't believe I'm going back to highschool. I haven't been there since I was 16"

"Then you've been a truant as well as a time traveler Ms. Gibson, as I do not believe you are 16 yet." Zoe cut in. "Students attend highschool until they turn 18, unless they're a prodigy able to graduate early, like myself." Zoe grinned as she gestured to Talia's own diplomas hanging on the walls. "Perhaps if you study hard you could come close to my level of academic achievement." Zoe was an average, b- student, but for the next week she was a woman who'd been valedictorian of her High School and College, so she was going to enjoy rubbing it in. Besides, Talia was a proud woman, so it was in character. She examined her nails as she spoke. She'd washed off her black polish ahead of time but she'd need to schedule a salon appointment to match Talia's glossy red nails as they looked professionally done.

"Once you're done putting on your makeup, Ms. Gibson, perhaps we can exchange notes to finish our business?"

"Sure thing, Zoe" Talia bit out as she began applying a ridiculous amount of eyeliner.

"That's not my name, Zoe" Zoe shot back, putting emphasis on her own name.

"Sorry. I mean that will be fine, Talia" Talia winced slightly at being forced to refer to Zoe by her own name.

"Please dear, call me Dr. Park"

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