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32. Where IS Derek Lettman, anyway

31. Karyn and Sarah arrive at Jon'

30. They grab the guns and get out

29. Gladys surrenders the Fat Gun

28. Gladys Brewer

27. Fat? But wasn't the Fat Gun al

26. Nicole Gets Shot!

25. Back to Sarah and Karyn

24. "Yes, I still have the Babe Gu

23. A babe?

22. Cement?

21. Karyn follows Sarah

20. Sarah storms out, and we check

19. The fight ends ... now what?

18. The showdown with Mrs. William

17. Sarah volunteers

16. Let's tune in on Sarah and fri

15. Too scared

14. Changes to Karyn!

13. Hitting Jon

Transformation Guns: More transformations - Emo, Clown, Mime, and Prude

on 2022-06-06 22:20:03

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Derek Lettman, who until recently had been the only Emo kid in Lake Point High School, stared at the Emo Gun. He had fired it at Trevor Blake out of impulse, and turned him into an Emo. Now Trevor Blake was just as miserable as Derek. Derek could not stand the sight, so he wandered off to another part of the school and let the Principal's task force find him.

Derek now was staring at the Emo Gun, and as he did, questions troubled him. Was this right? When was spreading misery ever right?

He was alone in his thoughts, barely paying attention as jock Danny Foster was zapped by another Transformation Gun in the hallway where he was sitting.

Danny Foster suddenly was wearing white face paint and dressed in a clown outfit. He almost instantly began laughing, and rushing off to the cafeteria. Danny felt an uncontrollable urge to find a squirt bottle, and pies to throw in people's faces.

Ted Manley, meanwhile, found himself laughing out loud as Danny Foster ran away. Ted looked at the Clown Gun he was holding, and said "This is awesome! I've GOT to get some of the teachers with this one!"

Derek overheard, and snapped out of his thoughts. "No, you shouldn't! It'd be wrong!"

Ted laughed. "Yeah, right. Like I'm going to be lectured by some mopey Emo kid. Take this!"

He turned the Clown Gun on Derek Lettman, who instantly changed. He was wearing clown makeup and a clown costume.

However, much to Ted's surprise, Derek's demeanor did not change significantly. Instead, Derek now resembled a sad clown out of an old painting or an Italian opera. Derek sat down against the wall, looking utterly miserable and about to cry.

Ted just stood there for a moment, confused. Before he could ponder the differences in the two results any further, he himself was struck by a Transformation Gun blast.

At once, Ted suddenly felt like he should avoid speaking as much as possible. He found himself wearing white makeup and a black beret, and feeling the air in front of him and next to him, as if he were trapped in an invisible glass box.

Chris Morgan stood nearby, holding the Mime Gun. He and Randy Goodman had just confiscated it from Doug Townsend, who had just used it on history teacher Mr. Steingard. Mr. Steingard had been zapped by the Mime Gun mid-class.

"Enough already!" Chris shouted. "This whole school is going crazy with all these weird ray guns. We don't need people doing this on purpose just for kicks!"

Randy Goodman, a member of the school football team, approached. "I hear the Principal's got Sarah and some of the others confiscating these things. Maybe we should find them."

Chris nodded. "This is getting crazy. Did you see Tiffany a few minutes ago? She was chewing out Amber for wearing a short skirt. And she was dressed all..."

"Conservative?" Randy asked.

"Yeah. I think she got zapped by another one of those ray guns."

Elsewhere on the ground floor near the ground floor restrooms near the cafeteria, Tiffany Sanders and Amber Levine were in a heated argument. "You shouldn't dress that way, Amber! You'll give the boys bad ideas!"

"What's gotten into you, Tiffany?" Amber replied. "This is, like, totally out of character for you. You're the most boy-crazy girl in school. And you usually dress in more revealing clothes than I do. I lost count of how many times you were sent to the Principal's office because you went against the dress code."

Unbeknownst to Amber, her fellow cheerleader had been zapped by the Prude Gun ten minutes ago. And as a result, she was acting in a manner completely unlike her normal self.

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