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21. Jon finds a secondhand store

20. Jon gets the security guard's

19. Jon gets stopped by a security

18. Jon stashes his bike

17. Jon finds a bike

16. Jon gets her hair

15. Jon becomes a college student

14. Jon tries to steal a car

13. Jon gains the runner's slender

12. Jon tracks down his breakfast

11. Jon wakes up hungry

10. Jon grows a pair of breasts

9. Jon gets thirsty

8. Jon gets something to eat

7. Jon appears in the middle of t

6. Teach you not to look alt.

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

Teach You Not To Look: The Grieving Process

avatar on 2022-06-05 09:16:30

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"I could probably get something to eat tonight from the dinner, and maybe I could sneak into the gym to shower. Then again, a gym that fancy and that large is probably going to be a minefield to navigate..." Jon shook his head and crossed the street. "I guess I could check out what's down there." Jon focused in on the parking lot a few blocks down. "I wish those trees didn't obscure the sign..." Jon thought as he set off for the unknown parking lot that was 3 blocks away.

"There's got to be some way I can turn this wish around..." Jon lost in his thoughts ignored a couple of people walking towards the fairgrounds. "Maybe I could find a real manly woman and take something from her, but that's just one person... Maybe I could make a new wish that offsets Sarah's wish... Or maybe..." Jon passed another group of people as he continued to bargain with himself. "I could just blind myself or wish myself blind..." Arriving at the corner Jon waited for the crosswalk light to change.

As he waited a new sense of dread began to creep into Jon's mind. "I'm fucked aren't I..." The crosswalk light signaled for Jon to go and he continued on his way. "Sarah is probably long gone with the stone and I'll be stuck constantly changing." Jon began to daydream about his future as he continued to walk past people. "Every time I change Mom, Dad, Zoe, my friends... All of them will be affected..." Jon felt like he wanted to cry as he became more and more depressed. "I'll just spend my life constantly changing..." Jon walked past another group of fairgoers. "All because of Sarah's stupid wish..." Reaching the corner Jon's head slumped as he waited for the crosswalk light to change.

While Jon stood there with his eyes fixed on his odd amalgamation of body parts the dread that was clouding his mind began to lift. "At least I'll probably end up being beautiful." The crosswalk light changed and Jon hurried across the street. "I mean it could be worse... Being beautiful would have its perks I guess..." Jon passed another pair of fairgoers. "I could probably pick up enough traits to live a really comfortable life..." The dread in Jon's head had been washed away by a calming acceptance of his situation. "If I can't get the stone back, then I guess things will probably turn out alright for me." Jon looked back up towards the still partially obscured sign. "Is that Goodwill? It is! Holy shit this is perfect!" Jon wanted to jump for joy at the sight of the second hand store. "I'll probably be able to get all the non-food supplies I need here!" Jon picked up the pace now that he could see the front of the store. "This perfect!"

Walking into the store the stale smell of second hand clothes filled Jon's nose. "I never thought I would love that smell, but today..." Jon began to grin as he looked at the overflowing racks of clothes. "Today I love it!" Ignoring the people mulling about, Jon hurried to the women's clothing area and began searching for something more appropriate for his ride tomorrow. "This is a gold mine!" Jon thought pulling a pair of workout leggings off a rack. "They must get a bunch of stuff from the local university students." Jon grabbed another pair of leggings off the rack. "This stuff is actually kind of nice..." Jon tossed the leggings back on the rack and began mulling through the sports bras. "This should keep the girls in line." Jon tucked the heavy duty sports bra underneath his arm, and went back to the leggings.

A few minutes later Jon stood there holding a sturdy sports bra, a nice pair of leggings, and light zip up workout jacket. "Alright what else?" Jon peered around the store looking for anything else that might be useful on the ride. "Sporting goods? Hmm... I bet I could find a backpack there." Jon hurried across the store paying no attention to the few people mulling about the racks of second hand items. "Bingo" Jon mumbled holding up a duffle bag. Setting the bag aside Jon continued looking over messy rack of outdoors gear. "Interesting!" Jon pulled a hydration pack that looked to have an ample storage pouch on it. "This is perfect!" Jon tossed the duffle bag back onto the messy rack and quickly added up how much everything would cost. "About 26 bucks... Not bad."

On his way across the store to pay for his items, Jon noticed that two college age girls appeared to be running the registers. "Shit..." Jon stopped and began to act like he was looking through a box full of DVDs. "I'd be crazy not to get this stuff... But I'm sure I'll end up with something from one or both of them." Glancing at the doors Jon had to hold himself back from sprinting out with his things in hand. "No. I've stole enough today. I'm paying for this stuff." Jon let out a sigh. "It would be so much easier if I could just control what I take." Then it hit Jon. "Can I control what I take?" Jon couldn't remember the exact wording to Sarah's wish, but he knew it had something to do with what he found attractive.

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