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10. Day Two

9. New Victims

8. Lights Out

7. First Deaths

6. Wall Strategy

5. The Team

4. Dude Ranch

3. Lab Subject


1. The Future of Gaming

Morning Comes

avatar on 2022-05-10 14:33:52

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Cody looked like he absolutely hated it. Freddy was not doing this to make Cody feel good. He did not like Cody enough for that. He was just trying to loosen the asshole enough to fit his dick in. Liam had his boy under him. He did not look like he knew what to do. "What's your name?" he asked. The boy's name was Mark. "Oh, cool. My name is Liam." he said awkwardly. The lanky guy was no longer groping Henry. He looked at Freddy in shock. "You really are gay!? I thought we were just bullying all the sissies here!" Freddy just turned his head. He did not stop with his fingers for a second. "You got a problem with that, Will?" he challenged. The lanky boy just shook his head and held his hands up. "I don't have any problems. I just never rolled in a crew with a gay guy before." he said. It did not sound like he was totally lying. Freddy just went back to what he was doing. Cody just grunted and groaned while we watched. I looked at the others and told them to go to bed. "Unless you want to see them fuck now, there's nothing for us to do here." I told them. They went back to sleep. I stood up.

Felix, Kayden and Jayden, and Tobey were fast asleep by the time that Freddy fucked Cody in the ass. Henry and Will were watching it, and it looked like they were both confused. Will was looking at this as if it was alien. Henry just looked like he was waiting for his turn and wondering when he would be fucked. He then pressed himself against Will. Will just scooted a bit away. When Henry pressed himself against Will again, Will said "Sorry man. I was just teasing you. I don't want to do any of that." He looked pretty uncomfortable. Henry just nodded his head and went back to looking at Freddy and Cody. Cody was not having a good time. Freddy was only seeking out his own pleasure. He had to have been at least six inches long. He had some good core strength and stamina. Freddy also had a lot of pent up aggression to work out. It was probably due to all of the fighting and groping that he was doing. That meant that he went three rounds. Cody was barely half hard when Freddy blew his third load up his ass. There were no condoms here. They had been raw dogging the whole time.

Under normal circumstances, this would have been cause for some upheaval. Freddy and his team already destroyed the competition and that neutered any dissent. As that was the case, Freddy could wipe his dick with the discarded boxer briefs of Cody and go to sleep. Cody himself was laying on his stomach as he could not sit down or walk. Cum dripped from his asshole and slowly pooled around him. He grumbled to himself. Liam and Mark were cuddling. It was more accurate to say Liam was the one cuddling Mark in his deep sleep. I guess that he was having a pretty nice dream. Mark was awake and did not like it at all. The pure annoyance on his face spoke volumes. Will and Henry were also sleeping at this point. They had two feet of space between them. It was a situation most likely set up by Will. No one seemed to want to take this opportunity to attack. It would be bad if they failed. They would almost certainly die. I would not want to take the risk either. Morning came just a few hours later. "Rise and shine. Death has been observed. 93 of 100 subjects remaining." it said.

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