"Are you okay, Biff?" Karyn asked, as they walked away.
Biff straightened out his T-shirt. "I think so."
"Someone should teach Jon a lesson. That guy is such a jerk. I mean, just because he's the star quarterback doesn't mean he can just go around bullying people."
Biff knew that what Karyn was saying was right, but for some reason it felt wrong. He looked back over his shoulder at the jock who had just beat him up. He was walking down the hall towards his jock buddies. Part of him felt like that should have been him doing that. But then he shrugged it off. Why would Biff want to be a jock? He was perfectly fine the way he was.
"Biff? Is something wrong?" Karyn asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"No. I'm okay."
"Well, we should get to ..." Karyn said, before turning around and colliding with someone. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said. Then suddenly, there was a bright flash of yellow light.