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20. Sarah Changes the Two Female J

19. Sarah Changes a Young Boy and

18. Sarah Finds Her Test Case

17. Steve Keeps His Distance

16. Steve and Sarah Notice the Cha

15. Danny Touches Sarah, Then Chan

14. They Play Some Basketball, But

13. Sarah Investigates

12. Sarah Calls Her Friend Tiffany

11. Biff Inadvertently Causes a Mi

10. Wesley

9. Biff Heads to the Elementary S

8. Biff Seems to Be the Only One

7. Biff Watches As Two Neighbors

6. Sarah and Biff Get a Hair and

5. Sarah Thinks Boys Dress Like G

4. Sarah is Wearing Biff's Boxers

3. Biff and Sarah

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Eye of the Storm: Two Female Joggers Change

avatar on 2018-05-03 09:47:25

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"Hey," Sarah said, grabbing the attention of the two young female joggers she had spotted earlier. They stopped and turned in her direction. Right away they thought there was something wrong with Sarah, like she was going for an extreme tomboy look, or something. Then Sarah reached out and grabbed the hand of the young woman closest to her. Instantly, the woman looked different. Her hair was short (what Sarah would call a typical girl's haircut), she wore no jewelry or make-up, her sports bra was gone (her D-cup breasts hung loose, fully visible), she wore baggy running shorts, and socks and sneakers. She was also a little more muscular. Abruptly, she shook off Sarah's hand. "What the hell, woman? Why'd you grab me like that?" she asked Sarah.

"Kathy? What happened to you?" the other jogger asked.

The changed woman (Kathy) turned towards her friend and got a shocked and confused look on her face. "What happened to you? Goddess, Maggie, you look like a guy."

"What?" Maggie uttered.

Then Kathy reached out and touched Maggie's arm, causing her to change too. She had pretty much the same changes - short hair, no make-up, no jewelry, no sports bra (her C-cup breasts hung loose, fully visible), baggy running shorts, socks and sneakers. Also, just like her friend, she had fine hairs all over her legs (women never shaved their body hair, what little they may have). Kathy blinked. Her friend was normal. Was she just imagining what she saw before?

"So what's up?" Maggie asked Sarah. "You need something, woman?"

"Not anymore."

Maggie and Kathy didn't know what Sarah meant by that, and they didn't really care. They just wanted to get back to jogging around the park, showing off their hot bods, hoping to attract some dudes. Sarah could understand that. She was kind of a dude-magnet herself.

Well, that settled it. Not only could Sarah herself change people, but people who she had changed could also do the same. This meant that she could get things back to normal a lot quicker, if she wasn't the only one spreading the changes.

Back at the basketball half-court, Steve stood there, his mouth open ... and his dick stiff. Those two joggers were now totally topless, showing off their young beautiful breasts, in public! But then his dick softened a little. Even from there, he could tell that the two chicks were now acting just like a couple of dudes. Sarah had made that happen, just like she had done earlier, when she changed Danny, who was now acting like a chick.

He didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't going to stick around and be the next victim. So with that, he ran away.

"Well, if you notice anything out of the ordinary, you call me, okay?" Jon said over the phone, to Karyn. He had told her about his vague wish for something interesting to happen. So far, he didn't notice anything different, but who knew? Lake Point was a fairly large town. He just hoped that whatever the stone did wasn't something drastic. (He tried wishing to know what his wish did, but for some reason, the stone wouldn't grant his wish.)

"Okay, Jon," Karyn said, then hung up.

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