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19. Sarah Changes a Young Boy and

18. Sarah Finds Her Test Case

17. Steve Keeps His Distance

16. Steve and Sarah Notice the Cha

15. Danny Touches Sarah, Then Chan

14. They Play Some Basketball, But

13. Sarah Investigates

12. Sarah Calls Her Friend Tiffany

11. Biff Inadvertently Causes a Mi

10. Wesley

9. Biff Heads to the Elementary S

8. Biff Seems to Be the Only One

7. Biff Watches As Two Neighbors

6. Sarah and Biff Get a Hair and

5. Sarah Thinks Boys Dress Like G

4. Sarah is Wearing Biff's Boxers

3. Biff and Sarah

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Eye of the Storm: Marty-Jays and Super Maria Sisters

avatar on 2018-05-03 09:11:40

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Sarah approached the two kids, who appeared to be 7 or 8 years old and grabbed the arms of both of them. Suddenly, the boy was dressed in what Sarah would call a pink prince dress, (you know, with the puffy sleeves and all), knee socks, and a pair of Marty-Jays (the name was different, but they were basically Mary-Janes). His hair was now long and tied into a pair of pigtails. The girl? She was wearing a T-shirt (with a picture of Super Maria, from the video game, on the front), a pair of baggy shorts, and socks and sneakers. Her hair was cut short, as a girl's should be.

The boy hugged his dolly close to him, glad that he had gotten it away from that mean girl, then skipped away towards the playground.

Sarah smiled. Not only had her test worked, she had righted those two kids. Now they were normal.

Looking around, Sarah looked for someone else to change.

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