She began to read it. "I wish," it said, "that I would start to take on the aspects of the person I know that I most want to be like." She frowned and crumpled it up and threw it away. What sort of a joke was that?
She thought about the question. Who did she know who she wanted to most be like?
She answered herself immediately. Sarah McMillan, head cheerleader. She was pretty and popular...everything Gladys was not. Gladys paused in her thoughts. She certainly didn't want to be cruel the way Sarah was.
She wouldn't mind being a cheerleader. "Maybe I should try out," she said to herself, part of her mind wondering why it suddenly seeming like such a good idea. She remembered that at lunchtime, the cheerleaders were having tryouts. After losing Tiffany Sanders, they needed alternates in case others got sick. It began to seem like more and more of a good idea.
She headed off to class, feeling strangely confident about what her mind would normally tell her was a horrible idea.