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35. War Crime

34. Their Plan

33. Meeting Them

32. Deployment

31. Hybridization

30. The Debrief

29. Alpha Mating

28. I Cum

27. My Mating

26. Gamma Cums

25. Gamma Mating

24. The Assignments

23. New Missions

22. Terror Attack

21. Resting Up

20. Epsilon's Threat

19. Well Wishes

18. Shameless

17. Other Aeromorphs

16. End of Flight

The City of Abushawai

avatar on 2022-04-21 20:21:18

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I knew my role here. I could carry up to 2 tons as well as use a variety of different equipment and techniques for tasks such as battlefield surveillance, artillery spotting, and even airspace surveillance. It was also true that my series could participate in both general intelligence gathering and real-time surveillance. I was truly just the support for P02 Alpha. At most, I could disable radio communications between the other aeromorphs. I would also make sure there was no ground support for the enemy by spotting them in advance and warning him. In the worst-case scenario, I could serve as a distraction by getting in the enemies face. As it stood now, there were only 7 countries with aeromorphs. The Oplixo had dozens, but they were not going to waste them for a neighboring nation when they needed their own to maintain their status as a global superpower. In fact, due to the loan, Hutania had the 8th largest aeromorph force in the world. It was finally time to deploy for the mission. It was 2 hour flight to the city and then we would be immediately engaging the enemy in deadly combat.

Alpha and I took to the air and we began flying. I was already doing my job by hacking radio signals and monitoring what was being said. "I made sure to shut down any talk of foreign bogies in the air or unidentified aircraft." As a being with cutting edge tech, it was pretty easy. It was represented to me as a simple mini game. There were a tangle of wires with jacks at the end. I had to untangle them and plug them into the input socket. They could not be tangled. Every puzzle corresponded to a particular task that I wanted to do. I was pretty good at games like this. That did not mean that I got things right away. But, after a minute or 2, I was able to do everything I wanted to do here. It was right at the nick of time as we got to the city limits. To lure out the aeromorph we were given targets to attack first. One being the royal courthouse and police station. Another was the large manufacturing warehouse. Behind it was a train platform. That railway was a large supply line throughout the kingdom. The western half was using it to supply themselves with their goods and equipment to quell rebellion.

Just as Alpha blew several holes through the courthouse and police station, we had to dodge a missile. The aeromorph had been deployed and he was smirking. "Look at you guys. They fit private jets with gun turrets now? Tell me what country made you clowns!" he mocked as he flew in front of us several blocks away. He obviously did not take us seriously. He was a gold and brown Sukhoi Su-35. We just smirked at him and Alpha said "There's no point talking to a deadaero!" He then flew over and began the dog fight. I could communicate to Alpha via the radio function. In the meantime, I was watching the ground. I saw some SWAT team units getting some dangerous stuff. I warned him about it, but he was too busy. "...This guy's crazy strong. Can you handle it?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "Fine! I took on the terrorists at the base after all." I said in a bothered tone. I thought that he was going to be doing all the fighting. Me moving out of position meant there might be a serious chance for me to miss something important. That was the risk we needed to take if we wanted a win.

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