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32. Proving Myself

31. Device Testing

30. Getting Strong

29. Sci-fi Shit

28. A Distraction

27. Corruption

26. Prostitution

25. Working Out

24. Reject Him

23. Alpha Politics

22. Rumor Mill

21. Dangerous

20. Going Home

19. Eat Him Out

18. Fuck Abner

17. Perfect Match

16. Find Abner

15. Bigger Crew

14. My Reward

13. 2 Fighters

Alpha Postering at the Gym

avatar on 2022-04-19 13:28:18

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The next day, Emory and Gideon came to me wanting the pill. I asked if they knew the side effects. They both nodded. They were told about it last night. Since that was the case, I gave them the pills so that they could get all of the benefits. They could use the strength. With us being enhanced, it would be easier if we got into a fight going forward. Facing the trainer was much easier and we all got through him. We moved onto the gym owner. He was also very tough. Getting a new trainer to spar with us came with new skills to learn and higher difficulties. Abner and Myles were actually gaining the tone and definition needed to pass as Betas. The others were now totally indistinguishable. When a new person entered the gym, he made a ruckus. The other members and trainers wanted him gone. "No fucking way! You let Omegas in here. Even worse, there's outsiders here too. This used to be a good Osis gym." That seemed to get a lot of them on his side. He walked up to us and pointed at the door. He said "You need to get out of here." He was not from our school. I just balked.

He was also a year or two older. When he challenged us so aggressively, I could barely believe it. "Why would we fight a newbie like you? We've climbed the ranks. You need to do the same." I said. This was an Osis Alpha male. I did not doubt any of the Freebirds. However, things were not a given when it came to gender levels and things of that nature. Abner and Myles challenged him first. They certainly put up a good fight, but the Alpha beat them both. "See? Who's next!?" he said! I stepped up to him. He smirked at me. "At least it's not an Omega this time. I'll take you on. Then I want you to get the hell out of this gym!" he said. "No. I'm not going anywhere. We've been here all this time and you just came in today. If you are too busy bitching about us being here, you can be the one to leave!" I shot back. As a Player, I was given a health bar and some stats. He was powerful and a good fighter. I was just going to have to use my enhanced strength to fight him. I threw some quick jabs to soften him up. He grunted in pain and did his best to block me. He realized that I was a fighter too.

There were still a few gaps for me to exploit and I did. Fighting him was not all roses and candy though. He was giving as good as he got. When I had chipped away at him to the point where he was at half health, he yelled in frustration and pushed me back up against the ropes. I was not able to stop him. Alpha strength was no joke. As someone who was enhanced, it just went to show how much of a leg up Alphas were given. He was pissed off and was throwing everything he could at me. "If you think that I'll go down to some Ganes Beta, you have another thing coming!" he snapped. I was not going to roll over for him either. It was a tough fight. I barely eked out a win, but it took a whole lot out of me. There was no cool knockout blow. It was just that he was out of health after a final jab to the ribs. He fell on his ass and held his ribs. As he looked at me, I was barely on my feet. The trainer had to call it when he tried to get up and he fell back down with a wince. A clear sign of injury. I was very sore and tired when I rolled out of the ring. The Freebirds all surrounded me and cheered for me.

I threw my arms up in victory and cheered with them. The Alpha was humbled and said "What the hell was that!? There's no way I lost to a Beta!" He looked at the other trainers and they just shrugged at him. "They've been putting in the work." our current trainer said. I just smirked. He looked at me and growled in anger. "What's so fucking funny? You want to see if your luck doesn't run out!?" he spat. I looked down on him. "If you want a rematch, you got to earn it. You have to face the other trainers and show that you belong here." I told him. That pissed him off. There was nothing he could do about it though. I was too tried to do much more than that. The others did their sparring for a bit and then it was time to leave. "Listen here. Your time in this gym is numbered." he warned. That did not mean shit to me. I'd beat him whenever I needed to. We went back to campus together. As we were walking, I felt increasingly hotter. I was sweating. My breath was getting shorter and heavier. "Wait up." I said as I took a break. Everyone looked at me in concern. "You're going into heat!" Myles said.

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