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30. Getting Strong

29. Sci-fi Shit

28. A Distraction

27. Corruption

26. Prostitution

25. Working Out

24. Reject Him

23. Alpha Politics

22. Rumor Mill

21. Dangerous

20. Going Home

19. Eat Him Out

18. Fuck Abner

17. Perfect Match

16. Find Abner

15. Bigger Crew

14. My Reward

13. 2 Fighters

12. Real Pool

11. Win Match

High Fertility

avatar on 2022-04-19 13:22:11

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I saw no reason not to do it either. When I swallowed the pill, I could see just what it did. It permanently increased your strength and endurance by a good 50% with each pill. The downside was heat like symptoms. For a beta make like me, it made me 25% more likely to have children. An omega who took them would have 50% more severe heats and it lasted 10.5 days instead of just 7. Their ability to have children naturally with Betas were already low. As NPCs, if they used their dicks, it was now only a 31.25% chance to impregnate someone. With their wombs, it was a 62.5% chance. That was in normal circumstances. Heats raised their fertility by 50%. A mating with an Alpha during heat doubled their fertility. Therefore, the chance of children with Betas during heats were 46.88% and 93.75% respectively. For their Alpha partners, it was 62.5% and 125%. Since they were all part of the Freebirds, I was sure that having some extra fertility would not be much of a problem for them. They all knew how to take on the aggressive guys. The massive boost of speed was good too.

As I swallowed it, I felt 2 distinct feelings. The first one was a buzz of energy that spread throughout my whole body. The second thing that I felt was a slight numbness in my balls. It was more than a bit uncomfortable for me. In an attempt to alleviate it, I moved a bit and spread my legs slightly further apart. The others seemed to be experiencing similar levels of discomfort as well. They also spread their legs absentmindedly. As omegas, they also had wombs that the pill was affecting. That seemed to be the main focus of their attention. They clutched at their lower guts and some groaned in pain. It seemed that Abner and Hellen were the most affected there. It was probably due to the fact that they were the ones getting fucked in the ass alot. The others' wombs did not have much interaction for them to notice the affects as clearly. I chuckled as Abner said "Shit! I feel bad." Myles said "No shit. That's what a side effect is." Abner shook his head "No. Like I did in the hospital bad." he said. That was no longer a laughing matter. Abner's expression was ashen. We let him relax on the bed.

Being that we had all taken them, I told them the side effects. Amias, Linus, Abner, Myles and Hellen all looked at me in surprise. "Well, I wasn't trying to get knocked up anyway." Myles said. The others seemed to agree. That was what I thought. "Well, you need to be aware that you still can get pregnant or get others pregnant. Be careful when you fuck without protection." I told them. They nodded and then we went our separate ways. I had to find a human to retrieve a DNA sample. Luckily for me, there was a Beta male Asela that was willing to help me test it out. His name was Zayn. To sweeten the deal, I gave him one of the pills as well. I had to prick him in the arm to get the sample. It was probably sharp because he winced when he punctured his flesh. When I looked at the scanner it separated out several categories. Because I got the sample from Zayn, I could alter human characteristics on the standards of Beta males. That meant I could not make someone get spontaneous heats or ruts. I would have to get some Omega and Alpha samples for that. I did get some benefits from him.

Causing others to change their physical characteristics was also possible. His gender, sex, ethnicity and race were core components of the sample. As he was a human, all humans could be altered in some way. A nice 10-foot radius could be useful to mess with others or do something without others noticing. However, it was so wide of a net, it would only last 1 minute. I was not planning to do that unless it was an emergency. As you added on categories that also fit Zayn, it increased the effectiveness. To make a change permanent, you needed to give them multiple doses of the treatment. Just 2 categories lead to a maintaining of the change of 10 minutes. It was 20 whole minutes for 3 categories. I asked Zayn "Is there anyone that you want to try this out on?" He nodded and said "Yeah, man! I want to try it out on myself. What can you do for me!?" He was certainly enthusiastic from the way he wrapped his arm around me. I told him about the spider that I got samples from. He smirked as he looked at the machine and said "Now we're talking." We were going to try some cool things out.

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