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33. Checking In

32. Big Train

31. Delinquent Gang

30. Power Plays

29. Race Realism

28. Keep the Tie

27. Dominate

26. Tournament

25. Rescued

24. A Handjob

23. Heat Trap

22. Isham Ross

21. Another Member

20. Getting In

19. Archery Club

18. Omega Developments

17. Sprung Trap

16. The Aftermath

15. Omega Tops

14. Linus First

Weekend's End

avatar on 2022-04-14 01:30:43

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It was nice when he kissed me on the cheek. I exchanged numbers with him and I almost said goodbye. Instead, he invited me in to his room. I decided to see learn a bit more about him. I entered his room and looked around. I saw that he was a gamer. Several consoles and a gaming PC were plugged into the walls. He had some video games that were multiplayer, and we played together for a few hours. He asked if I was hungry. I did not need to eat, so I told him I was fine. He just shrugged. Callum was hungry, so he got up and made some cup ramen. He had a microwave and some bottled waters in a mini-fridge. That made me smirk. Callum was ready for quick and cheap meals at all times. He actually ate the ramen with some chopsticks he had. That was pretty cool in my opinion. Callum was a year older than me. When it got late, I asked him if he wanted to go see us at the Archery Club when we met for practice. Callum took a moment, but nodded his head with a grunt. He was probably not too into sports, but he was doing it because it was something that I was doing here.

Mentally noting that there was class in the morning, I excused myself. He smiled and said "See you later, David." I left and went to my dorm. It was a great day for me. I proved myself to Isham, people knew I was a champion and a great fighter, and I had Callum's number. Since I was now tied down, it meant that I would not be able to get lots of flings and casual sex from random Omegas. The gang I fought earlier was waiting for me. I beat the crap out of them again and went to my room. From there, I waited until it was time for class. I got to see everyone and hear about their weekends. Ivan and Allen were totally satisfied with their partner. Myles and Abner were used to sharing a partner and they were able to get off just fine. She got off as well. Twice from the way they told it. Amias and Emory had a nice time. Linus's experience was very kinky. He was extremely tired. She was an Alpha and kept him feminized. She made him wear her clothes, put lipstick kisses all over his body and handcuffed him. I was shocked. The whole weekend was spent with Linus getting fucked and edged hard.

Now that I had a boyfriend, I was able to tell all of them about it. They seemed surprised about the situation. I was not really planning on it either. "I didn't think you had it in you. I thought you'd be cruising with us for the rest of your life." Myles said. I rolled my eyes and said "Fuck you. Now let's get to class." Class went by fast and there was not much to do after class. They hung out and the people that wanted to talk to them came up. There were both fans and haters. Fans wanted to get autographs and share words of encouragement. Haters wanted to jeer at us. Some of them even wanted to fight us. We could handle our own in a fight though. When they ran with their tails between their legs, it only added to the fame that we had. Callum came up to me after and said "Still fighting all the Alphas, huh?" I nodded and said "Not everyone knows how good we are. Sometimes you have to show it to them." He leaned on me and rested. I puffed out my chest a bit. After we were finished hanging out, I was going to go to my dorm when Callum said goodbye. I gave him a playful slap on the ass.

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