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29. Noblewoman

28. Party Hall

27. The Friction

26. Roommate Woes

25. Herald Bards

24. Bardic School of Circus

23. Looking Forward

22. Cheeky Performances

21. Forgiveness

20. Angry Response

19. Unwanted Surprise

18. The Massage

17. They Back Down

16. Much Restraint

15. Party Over

14. Imposed Celibacy

13. Masquerade

12. Finding a Master

11. Dismissed

10. Finishing Up

The Lady in Blue

avatar on 2022-04-12 22:24:15

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As they were also NPCs, he did not care what they had to say. "I just wanted to introduce myself." he said. He then looked at the lady in the fine blue ballroom dress. "My name is Joe. Joe Schmo. I work as the lead blacksmith for the Bard College." he said as he reached for her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet a beautiful young lady such as yourself. I needed to tell you." he said. She blinked and just allowed him to take it in her shock. The guards forcefully knocked him back. Unlike the noblewoman, they were both fair skinned. "What did we just say, knave!?" the first guard said as he grabbed David by the collar. The other said "We have the have the authority to cut that hand off now." David looked at her and said "Can I have your name? I would fight the world to be able to get to know you." Her eyes went wide. He was putting on a bit of bravado to look cool at the moment, but he wanted to see more of her. It made the second guard draw his sword. "I'm going to take care of the trash!" he yelled. That was big. Others noticed and were staring. The lady said "Sir Ulric. Sir Karsten." she said.

Just like that, they turned to her and bowed their heads. "Yes, Lady Nanna." they said as one. David was pleased that he had learned her name. "Excuse me for causing such a scene. Firstly, I came late to the gala. My guards were then riled by one of the college's staff. Please. Return to enjoying the party. I promise this won't happen again." she said apologetically. The other party goers seemed to accept this. As everyone went back to their own business, the guard holding David let him go. David smoothed his clothes. The guard then leaned in and said "Follow me outside. I'm not done with you." David rolled his eyes. "Why would I do that!? I have better things to do. I don't have time to roll in the mud with you." he said caustically. "I am a knight of the realm. You don't have a choice." the guard said. Alex appeared by his side and said "If you want a fight, I'll be there to make sure no one cheats." David looked at the peach. Alex said "You'll win any fight with this guy. I know it." The other guard gave a small glance to David and Alex. He said "Are you serious, Ulric? They're so weak."

Keeping a firm glare at David, Sir Ulric said "You should be just as angry. This person is openly insulting our lady and causing a scene. I'm not going to tolerate it." David just looked at Lady Nonna. He said "I would rather not fight. Killing your knight would be bad on the night of a gala." That enraged the knight in question. "The only one that will die is you!" he hissed. He then physically dragged David out of the hall. Alex was right by his side. All the other peaches were close by. Even Bitey and Wendy were following. David could see them from the corner of his eye. When they reached an empty yard, Sir Ulric drew his sword. "This is the last chance to back down and beg for forgiveness." he said. David said "Listen. I just want to know Lady Nonna better. If you want to die over it, so be it." He then had to equip his sword. They started to circle each other for a bit before the knight charged towards a very ready David. David was level 42 and was able to handle himself in 1 on 1 combat. He parried and counterattacked the strikes from Ulric. When he disarmed the knight with a skill, he won.

Looking at the lady, David said "What should be done with him? I could let him go to you for a price." Lady Nonna and Sir Karsten looked absolutely shocked. "What's your price? Both Ulric and Karsten are precious childhood friends of mine." she asked. "It's not something that crazy. I only want to be able to see you. Allow me to court you and I will let him go." David said. He wanted to press his luck a bit. He already saw that he could handle them if need be. "Don't listen to him!" Ulric said. Everyone turned to him. "I'd rather die than see you be deflowered by this cretin! You shouldn't have to spend a single second around him." Karsten was conflicted. On one hand of the situation, he did not want David to kill his friend. On the other hand, he did not want David to win and get closer to Lady Nonna. At the end of the day, it was up to the decision of Lady Nonna. She channeled all of the nobility that she possessed and looked at him straight on. David looked at her and felt a small shiver run down his spine. He could feel his cheeks heat up too. "I accept your terms, Mr. Schmo." she said.

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