Weirdo, when a person crosses the border, they can not depend on their government to aid them, especially if there is a perception of potentially breaking the law, and even more so it they interfere with military. James Bond's lisence to kill does not exist in RL as the intention of a spy is to break the law in another country and not get caught. Governments do cooperate on these matters. It is not an 'invasion'. Local rules apply to anyone.
Lucas being a space/time/dimension hoper is a little beyond in terms of being a victim. I think it would be a little odd for her to demand that protection. In some ways it's worse.
I always saw her as the first citizen of the moon. That sounds cooler to me anyway. It would become the moon of one nation on earth otherwise.
Do as you feel of course it is your character and I'll do my bits as best I can with it. I'm not really all that bothered, though I won't validate her hatred of the military, but she certainly has the right to hate them.
I'm sorry if I pressed too many of Lucas's buttons. It was supposed to be a bit like stargate.