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6. A bitch indeed

5. Karyn the Bitch

4. Wishes About Karyn

3. Jon Gets Another Idea

2. Jon Gets an Actual Good Idea

1. You Are What You Wish

The Stone is literal minded

on 2011-05-02 16:20:57

1636 hits, 129 views, 0 upvotes.

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As Jon made his wish, Karyn found herself changed. She lurched forward, and her hands fell to the floor. Her fingers shortened, as her nose extended from her face. Hair grew all over her body. It felt like the end of her spine was being pulled out. The world turned black and white, at the same time her sense of smell seemed to be enhanced a hundred-fold. She tentatively wagged her new tail.

All over town, the same thing was happening to Karyn's friends. They were, indeed, a clique of bitches.

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