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5. Karyn the Bitch

4. Wishes About Karyn

3. Jon Gets Another Idea

2. Jon Gets an Actual Good Idea

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn the Bitch

on 2011-05-02 06:48:33

2035 hits, 142 views, 1 upvotes.

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"I wish that, until I wish otherwise, Karyn would be the school bitch instead of Sarah McMillan. While Sarah and her friends would be much nicer now, Karyn and her female freinds would take their place as a new clique of bitches based around Karyn's personality and interests." The stone flashed. Jon had no intention of keeping this one permanent (with the possible exception of keeping Sarah McMillan nice). He simply wanted to see what Karyn would be like as a total bitch like Sarah was. He suddenly had another idea. "I wish that as long as the previous wish was in place, Karyn would not remember anything about the stone and would not be able to take it away from me if she finds out." The last thing he needed was a bitchy Karyn using the stone on people. The stone flashed again. Jon would have to wait until the morning to see how the new bitch queen of school would act.

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