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8. Snapping back to the present

7. Flashback—First Date

6. New information

5. In the new past...

4. A confusing aftermath

3. Something interesting with Kar

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Gibson Syndrome: Meet the Family

avatar on 2022-02-05 02:33:29

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Karyn couldn’t help but stare. Neither could Chloe. The memories returning of years of dates, flirting, and volleyball games and the hormones in their bodies definitely reacted the same way. Chloe caught herself blushing but had little time to think before a voice called them down.

“Chloe! Karyn! Time for dinner!”

That’s new, Chloe thought to herself. Never had her over prior to this… No, that’s not true, at least not for anybody else… Two sets of memories were appearing at once.

They headed down the stairs, Chloe going first, Karyn found herself hanging back slightly. At first, she wasn’t sure why, but then she looked down at Chloe, watching her walk and seeing her hips sway, just getting a good look at the swell of her butt in the skirt. How, or why, had she done that without even thinking about it? Once Chloe reached the bottom of the stairs, Karyn sped up to catch her.

Chloe for her part, hadn’t really noticed. They continued to the dinner table, Chloe sat in what would be her usual spot if she were still Jon, hoping that that was still the same. Karyn followed, paused for a moment to let her new memories tell her where to sit, and sat across from her.

Karyn again found herself staring at Chloe. Her face, the long blonde hair that framed it, the swell of her breasts in her shirt. All of it captivated her, though it felt strange to feel this way about those things. The blonde hair picked at her memory, Jon hadn’t been blond… Chloe was… wasn’t she? Something about that…

Jon’s mother Linda walked in carrying plates of dinner, followed by Mylie. There was also a thudding from the stairs, Zoe coming down still wearing boots. Chloe looked at the three; Zoe and Linda were recognizable to her from Jon’s world, but Mylie—instead of Mikey—was very much not.

Mylie, on closer look, didn’t actually look very different from Mikey. Her face and body structure were the same. The divergence was everything that Mylie was wearing. She was in a pink ballerina outfit and ballet shoes, and her hair was in pigtails! This was a big about-face for someone who Jon had known as quite boyish.

Karyn looked Jon’s mother and Mikey over, feeling some of the same surprise as Chloe. She noticed their hair, chestnut brown, like Jon… But not Chloe, it picked at the back of her mind.

Zoe came in and sat down while Karyn was pondering hair. The plates of food were hitting the table and knocked Karyn out of her reverie. She looked back over at Chloe, and found herself staring again. Chloe’s attention too was drawn back to Karyn, her wish-enhanced bust mostly hidden by her sweater, but the hints made it all the more intriguing since Chloe knew what was underneath. The long hair wasn’t bad, but her original red would be preferable to blonde…

“Oh come on, you two… Are you looking at each other for the first time?” Zoe was as pale, Goth, and bitter as ever, it seemed.

Jon’s mother returned with another three plates, finishing the setting and sitting down herself, leaving a place set with no one sitting at it. Just then, Chloe heard the garage door open. Something shook loose from her memory: her other mother, Taylor, Jon’s father.

Taylor entered the room, catching Karyn’s eye. Karyn could see this was where much of Chloe’s figure came from. Taylor’s proportions were similar. She had a smaller bust—still large, though not as big as Chloe—but the hourglass shape and wide hips were clearly passed down to Chloe, if not her hair. Auburn, it ran in waves down past her shoulders. In the face, Chloe was the very image of Taylor.

“So, how was your day?” Taylor asked as she sat down.

Zoe made a face but said “Fine” in a flat tone.

“Ballet was cool! We’re preparing for our recital.” Mylie had the same voice, except everything sounded different coming out of it. Sweeter, a little more melodic somehow.

Chloe suppressed her surprise and nodded. That explains the getup. She wondered how girly Mylie was when things were more casual.

“And you, dear?” Taylor looked at Chloe, who almost froze up. What would these people expect me to do?

“Not much… School’s been boring, but you know I always have a nice time when Karyn comes over.”

Taylor’s gaze turned to Karyn. “And how was your day?”

“It was interesting.”

“How so?”

“Read a weird poem in English class.” She gave Chloe a knowing look. Interesting in a different way.

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