The 5 of them all looked at each other in shock. "You really think that you're worth our time!? You must have a death wish or something." the black one said. I knew that I needed to have confidence and not back down if I was going to get any respect from them. I stood straight and puffed out my chest. "I can do all that you need to satisfy you. If you gave me a chance, I could prove it. Any takers?" They laughed in my face, but I just stared straight at them. When they realized that they were not going to laugh me away they all looked at me appraisingly. I was not backing down and offering a challenge. That was when Murgred, Tokac and Metrec came over and began talking to them as well. They moved on from me and focused on them. When it came time to move off into pairs. The 3 of them asked out the female that was the same color as they were. That left me with the black one and the green one. "That offer still stands. If you're brave enough." I said. They turned to me and the black dragoness said "You're still here!?" "I want my answer." I told them. The green one just chuckled.
She looked at me and then the black dragoness. The black one said "Saemo!? You can't be considering a human! That's insane!" That did not seem to sway her. "Listen up Darli. Botho, Anyt and Redurra already left us to go with those boys. Damn sluts!" She then turned to me. Saemo flashed me her fangs. "I am not the type to let prey go. At this point, you're the only one without anything to do. If you want to take me for a spin you can, but I'll melt your face off with my poison breath if you can't keep up with me." she told me. That was fine with me. I took her by the arm and said "Fine with me. We're going out to eat first. Then we can go to the park." I told her. Saemo just shrugged and let me lead her. Darli just snarled as she followed us. I asked Saemo about herself. She was on the track team and had an athletic body. We got to a flavored Icee stand I looked at the man and used Suggestion on him by convincing him giving us free scoops would be a good way to promote himself. Both of the ladies were impressed with my "bargaining" and I just smirked as we continued to the park.
Walking them up and down the paved paths, I got chances to impress both of them. I answered what I needed to get Saemo on my side. Darli was also warming up to me a little bit, but that was just an afterthought in my mind since she was band wagoning here. As we passed a small public bathroom, I felt her pull me back to her. I was going to ask what was wrong, but I could see what had her focus. She had stopped and was looking at it. Looking closer, I realized that this was where Cesus and his father used to set up their show. It was also where we were all ambushed by those human extremists. "We have being following you around long enough, human. You promised to be able to satisfy us. This is your chance to prove it!" Saemo said as she leaned over me imposingly. My nose crinkled. Public bathrooms were not known for being the most hygienic or romantic places to have sex in. That was not enough to stop her, apparently. She dragged me along. It seemed as though that was a pattern with most of the dragons that I had interacted with. That was very annoying to me.