Took a moment away from working on the beta rebuild (trying to make it less awful.) and thought I'd chime in.
The good thing about fiction branches is the limitnessless of its branches. A branch goes south you just make new options or vary existing ones.
I have run into Mr Anderson before and I don't fault him for poor grammar as that's the nature of this beast. But I agree the volume and lack of polish is a bit much. He wrote a bit on the beta before and had the sane traits without the image crutch and it wasn't too bad. But I agree over reliance on images especially ones that don't fit right does break immersion for me.
But I wouldn't throw any one writer under the bus for bad writing. Perhaps when I get back to work on the beta we can work on adding a feature that filters out certain authors, or let's you know who wrote the next branch? Or we can find some solution to this problem through talk. Anyone succeed in talking to Mr. Anderson?