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15. The V.I.P.

14. The Delivery

13. Light Hazing

12. Taking Off

11. Nothing

10. The Payload

9. The Humans

8. Preparation

7. Aeromorph

6. Loading

5. Return with Groceries

4. Tim plugs in...


2. Knocked out by...

1. The Future of Gaming

Mission Accomplished

avatar on 2022-01-17 11:00:27

274 hits, 8 views, 1 upvotes.

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With the lack of enthusiasm, they could tell that something was up. "Where is it, first of all? You were supposed to be carrying two tons of--" "Carry!? Like with these?" I snapped, cutting him off. I was annoyed now. I raised a pair of humanoid hands up to my face and rolled my eyes. "Oh no! That's too risky, I could drop it by accident or something. It's stored inside me." " Where did you put--?" I shushed him. Drawing myself to my full height, my form jiggling with each big motion, I then reluctantly presented my rear to the ground crew. Hunched over slightly, I rested myself by putting my hands on my thighs as I spread my legs to distribute the weight of my massive body. The humans were now faced with a huge aeromorph booty, the cheeks vast and firm, and guarded from the elements by their rise and fall: a very tight rubbery asshole. I looked remorseful over my shoulder at the astonished humans with a disgusted yet eager to get it over with look on my face. I grimaced and gave them a wiggle of my hips, the dense capsule inside begging for freedom. "Wanna see?"

Quickly, I expelled the dildo shaped payload from my ass. It was not my proudest moment. The humans looked at me with a mix of surprise and disdain. Before anything could be said about it, an armored black sedan pulled up to us. A man got out of the passenger's seat. He then walked to the door behind him and opened it up. An older man with a cane came out and slowly made his way towards me. He gave me a look over as I stood before him. It seemed as though this was the V.I.P. that I was waiting for. "Are you Mr. Jacaab Mortimer II?" I asked. The man just frowned and said "You were not supposed to be seen. This is a big liability that you've caused me." He then snapped his finger and called out a name: "Jeffery!" The man that opened the door for him went to the trunk and reached inside. He pulled out a tommy gun and killed all the members of the ground crew. That was pretty brutal of him. "Tell your masters at that base of yours that I expect one of each prototype for my service. Preferably one of each gender. I might be able to make my own fleet by breeding them." he chuckled.

As long as it was not me, I was fine. "Mission Accomplished. I'll be returning to the base now. Each of the prototypes will be making their maiden flights here to test if they are capable of doing their functions. Expect more of us in the upcoming weeks." I informed him. That was all that I needed to do. I walked off to stand over where I had landed. Since I was a whole 2 tons lighter, take off should be much easier this time. A high-pitched whine filled the open area of the airstrip as my take-off procedures began to kick in. Assuming the position, I bent my knees and leaned forward. Suddenly, a rush of superheated air bellowed from my ready engines. It was directed away from my ankle-jets and instead pushed through the single central exhaust. I assumed that was all that I would be needing. Once again, the raw power flowed through me from my core, feeding my engines. Tongues of orange and red streamed forth, and I was in the air in no time at all. It was now a 10 hour flight back to the base. I could try going faster, but there was no real need for that. Who knew what I would do in the base?

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