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60. My Turn

59. Wolves Win

58. The 1st Round

57. A New Game

56. Sparring

55. Inner Garden

54. Imperial Park

53. Children

52. Total Control

51. Return

50. Hero Weapons

49. Resistance

48. New War

47. Funerals

46. A Mystery

45. The Purge

44. Coup Attempt

43. Archery Tournament

42. The Duel

41. Deference

Playing the Game

avatar on 2022-01-14 10:43:32

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Only the children looked confused at this point. "You can use this game to train your personal detection of lies. Conversely, this game can train your ability to lie, sway the opinions of a crowd, get people to trust you, reason out problems in front of you and hide secrets. That is why if you haven't learned anything, you need to play some more." I finished. The concubines looked at each other in shock. "What a devious game you came up with. No wonder you kept Huo out of it. Deceiving children like that is in poor taste." Wang Jing sighed. He was not at all good at the game. "Don't worry, the more you play and get used to certain roles, they better you will become at the game." I encouraged him. Lai Chang said "If that is the case, will you not join us? You've been observing us for quite some time." "So, you noticed? Do you all have it in you for one more round?" They nodded and Wang Jing's sister was going to oversee everything. I drew the role of Wolf. It was going to be interesting. In the first round, we went around talking trying to trip each other up. I made sure not to give anything away.

It was when we voted out Bao and close our eyes did things get good. I saw that Wang Jing was my partner. I smirked at him and we pointed at Wang Wuying. She was great at swaying others to ger side. As soon as it was time to announce the results, I glanced at Bao and said "I'm the Hunter and Wang Jing was a human." Cui Yahui said "What are you talking about!? I'm the Hunter!" "Really?" I asked her. "Yes!" she hissed. "What's going on?" a confused Chuan Min asked. "It's clear. I revealed my role and Cui Yahui is a wolf pretending to be the hunter." I said. "That is the farthest thing from the truth!" she said. Wang Wuying asked "Is it possible to have multiple hunters at one time?" "Your daughter would know." I said before turning to her. "How many papers had the 'Hunter' role in the teapot?" I asked. "There was only one." she answered. "That means Cui Yahui is lying. There can only be one Hunter each round because there is only one role for it." "Excuse me! You could just as easily be the one lying." Cui Yahui argued. "If that's the case, what's the results of your investigation?"

Putting her on the back foot, she looked nervous. "Come now, you claimed the role. Give us the results or the suspicion will turn to a vote of guilt." I pressed. "I... chose to investigate Empress Dowager Wang Wuying. She was... human." she said slowly. That was a massive streak of luck. I was smug and said "I think we know who is real and who is fake now. Let's get Cui Yahui out before she can take out the rest of us." She tried to argue, but no one was hearing it. We decided to vote her out then and there. "You're all making a mistake!" she whined. For the next round, we took out Chuan Min. That was enough to give us the win. With 2 wolves, you only needed to get 3 humans out before the 2 won. We went the extra wolf round because Wang Jing's sister forgot to end the game. Everyone was surprised that Wang Jing and I were the wolves. "Did you all learn something from that round? It was pure luck on my part that Cui Yahui chose Wang Wuying. Anyone else and it would have been a struggle for which would be believed." I said. "I learned Yawen plays dirty when it suits her." she sniffed.

Quickly I responded with "And what a great lesson that is? I told you that this was a game based on lies or strategy. If there were more players, there would be more rounds. The remaining players would then have to catch me in a lie or an illogical chain of events. If call a person a wolf more times than there are wolves, if a role that determines whether people voted out are wolves are added and it is proven I lied, or if you can simply tell when I lie, the game would be harder for me to keep the lie going." They just looked at me in awe. "You haven't denied that you play dirty." Wang Jing said. "Wang Jing, you know that I do not play fair all the time." I told him. He just looked at his feet. Addressing the others, "I had planned to play with the consorts and beauties to test them. More player means more rounds and more roles to play with. Now that you all are novices to this new game, you will have a big advantage over the others, unless they are naturally more devious or quick witted." "Do you think they are?" Wang Jing asked. "I'm sure we all have our opinions on the other harem members." I said.

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