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6. Slumber Party: Leonard reads a

5. Not a Prank

4. The Guys Think Pete's Lingerie

3. Jon's Slumber Party

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Leonard reads a comic

on 2017-07-20 13:46:56

2694 hits, 158 views, 1 upvotes.

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While the salads were being made Leonard read a comic book, the typical super hero fare which he loved. It was a complusive thing he did, he brought them with him everywhere and read them during any and all free moments.

He turned the page as the villain prepared to focus his death ray on the city, and as happens an ad followed that page. He turned the page, another ad, then another, then another, till finally he found what he had been looking for, the artical on fun make over ideas which he wanted to share with the group....wait...this wasn't right. He flipped back a couple of pages, to a page which featured panels of two girls talking about their hair in the style of an old Archie comic...I just didn't feel like something that should be in a issue of Cosmo, amongst all the usual ads for make up and perfume and clothing. He flipped back to the artical, excited to show off and maybe try on these great ideas.

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