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66. Separation

65. Biff searches for Jack

64. Jack Accuses Jordan of Cheatin

63. Bathroom break

62. Biff gets some attention

61. Biff is Loving This

60. Biff and Rachel Begin Their Wa

59. Warming Up

58. Meeting the pianist

57. In Character Time

56. Heather and Biff compare notes

55. Heather offers to Escort Biff

54. The girls arrive

53. Getting ready for the party

52. Exaggeration was It?

51. Jordan wants to hang out

50. Biff Wakes Up Wearing New Clot

49. Heather finally gets some acti

48. What about the others?

47. Not Jealous

Greek Life: Separation

on 2017-04-16 00:53:31

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The moment Biff saw Jack he immediately felt sorry for him. Jack's makeup was ruined. His mascara was running all down his face and his eyes were red from crying.

"Oh honey!" Biff said sympathetically. He entered the restroom and closed the door behind him. He grabbed a tissue from a box on the counter and started to dab Jack's face.

Suddenly, they heard a loud pitched scream.

"What's that?" Jack said.

"Not sure," Biff said. "Let's go find out...after we fix your makeup."

"Can you get my bag? I left it with my coat," Jack said.

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