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57. In Character Time

56. Heather and Biff compare notes

55. Heather offers to Escort Biff

54. The girls arrive

53. Getting ready for the party

52. Exaggeration was It?

51. Jordan wants to hang out

50. Biff Wakes Up Wearing New Clot

49. Heather finally gets some acti

48. What about the others?

47. Not Jealous

46. Biff's costume

45. Biff on Display Again

44. Biff gets an invitation

43. Biff and Jordan Think About Ea

42. Heather is Annoyed That Jordan

41. Homework interruptions

40. Biff Compliments Jack's Hairdo

39. Off to the library

38. Take it Down a Notch

Greek Life: In Character Time

on 2017-03-18 17:51:46

936 hits, 50 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Greetings Madams and Sirs." She said sounding very posh. "Welcome to the party. If you'd kindly follow me." She said showing them inside.

Heather and Biff shared a look before they followed the butler inside.

"What is your name?" Biff asked the girl.

"Jeeves, of course," she said. "It is a name passed down from my grandfather, and his father before him. I come from a long line of butlers," she said, formally. "Although I have only served our hosts for the last six months." She seemed to be trying to use whatever backstory she'd been given. "May I have your names, so I can announce you?"

They gave them. 'Jeeves' paused. "Mr. Meadows, while you are a guest this evening, you are also our entertainment. We do not have a full band tonight, but we have someone to accompany you on the piano. She's tuning up right now."

Since this was only a reproduction of a mansion, and actually a house, the piano turned out to be a keyboard on a table. The TV and other 21st century devices had been covered, and it looked like they'd borrowed some props from the school as well as the costumes.

Heather found herself alone as Biff was ushered away to get ready.

Alexa came over from where she was speaking to some guests. "Oh, I did not know you three knew each other."

"We don't," Heather said. "We simply arrived at the same time. I offered to walk Mr. Meadows up the path," she said. "It was very generous of you to invite a public servant, sir."

"We do have to take care of our friends in law enforcement. And the Mayor is supposed to be here as well."

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