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55. Heather offers to Escort Biff

54. The girls arrive

53. Getting ready for the party

52. Exaggeration was It?

51. Jordan wants to hang out

50. Biff Wakes Up Wearing New Clot

49. Heather finally gets some acti

48. What about the others?

47. Not Jealous

46. Biff's costume

45. Biff on Display Again

44. Biff gets an invitation

43. Biff and Jordan Think About Ea

42. Heather is Annoyed That Jordan

41. Homework interruptions

40. Biff Compliments Jack's Hairdo

39. Off to the library

38. Take it Down a Notch

37. A newcomer

36. Girl Talk

Greek Life: Heather offers to Escort Biff

on 2017-03-18 16:33:07

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"How about I escort you?" Heather said to Biff.

"That would be nice," Biff said. Heather took his arm.

They started out. Heather and Biff started to drift behind Jordan and Jack. "Are you still feeling something is weird around here?" Biff asked her.

"Yeah, totally," she said. "This party isn't helping. I mean...look at the outfit they have you's kind of revealing. Wonder if the boys or the girls chose it."

"Pretending to be someone else is sort of fun," Biff said, softly. "I don't normally wear anything so fancy."

"You are kind of a..." Heather trailed off. Something wasn't making sense. She had been about to refer to Biff as a wallflower. She looked at him. He did seem kind of nervous, maybe a bit shy. But that wasn't right, was it?

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