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45. Biff on Display Again

44. Biff gets an invitation

43. Biff and Jordan Think About Ea

42. Heather is Annoyed That Jordan

41. Homework interruptions

40. Biff Compliments Jack's Hairdo

39. Off to the library

38. Take it Down a Notch

37. A newcomer

36. Girl Talk

35. The girls get ready for the gy

34. Jack and Biff Take a Shower

33. A talk

32. Something Else is Off

31. Biff Daydreams About Playing a

30. Biff On Display

29. Marty Flirts With Heather, and

28. Marty Tries to Mess With Them

27. Not Much Talking

26. At the park

Greek Life: Biff on Display Again

on 2017-03-13 00:03:30

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"Well, I've gotta run." Alexa said before Biff could respond. "I've got to give the other pledges their invites.

"Bye!" Alexa waved cheerfully before she closed the door behind her.

Biff sighed again and then looked at the card to find out who he would be playing. He read the card. "Murder at Greek Manor. The year is 1954. You are a popular nightclub singer who has been hired along with a pianist to perform at a party thrown by a wealthy couple. Better learn the songs." There were a few characters he was supposed to know about. The couple was being played by Marty and Alexa, for example. And there would be other people he would have to meet at the party. But...someone was going to be murdered.

"Jeeze," he muttered, hanging up the bag, which appeared to be property of the college drama department. "This is gonna suck."

"What is?" his roommate said. He found Ted, his roommate, annoying, but he was basically a decent guy.

"Murder mystery party," he told him. "This pledging is nothing like the movies."

"What is like it is in the movies?" Ted asked him. "Is that why you've been acting so weird the last couple of days?"

Biff sounded frustrated. "Well, all that standing all day at attention made muscles I didn't know I had hurt. I'm in pretty good shape, but I feel like I'm walking funny because of it. I had to plan a party the first night. And now I have to dress up in a probably humiliating costume and sing in front of people."

Ted couldn't help himself. "Yeah, riht...that does suck. I mean, you really want to join these guys? I planning and costume parties? I've only known you a few weeks, but that doesn't sound like your cup of tea."

Maybe his roommate wasn't so bad. He certainly was trying to be friendly. Biff sighed. "Well, my Dad won't be upset if I don't get in, but he'd be upset if I quit, you know?"

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