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43. Biff and Jordan Think About Ea

42. Heather is Annoyed That Jordan

41. Homework interruptions

40. Biff Compliments Jack's Hairdo

39. Off to the library

38. Take it Down a Notch

37. A newcomer

36. Girl Talk

35. The girls get ready for the gy

34. Jack and Biff Take a Shower

33. A talk

32. Something Else is Off

31. Biff Daydreams About Playing a

30. Biff On Display

29. Marty Flirts With Heather, and

28. Marty Tries to Mess With Them

27. Not Much Talking

26. At the park

25. Heather and Biff's Observation

24. Heather and Biff notice someth

Greek Life: Biff and Jordan Think About Each Other

on 2017-03-12 15:38:06

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Biff found himself alone and ignored. And oddly enough, working alone didn't bother him, much as he was annoyed at Jack for abandoning him.

He normally wasn't so focused on his homework. He'd coasted by in high school...being the popular guy he was. But this was college. The required Freshman subjects weren't all his best areas though.normally wasn't so focused on his homework. He'd coasted by in high school...being the popular guy he was. But this was college.

The extra focus seemed to be helping though. He was starting to get some of this stuff.

He paused for a moment to wonder where Jordan was. She was so not his type...they seemed to have nothing in common. But he'd enjoyed spending time with her.

"Sorry about Heather," Jordan told Shawn. "We just met, and...she's fun to hang out with, but once someone of the opposite sex shows up..."

"I've met girls like that. Some are jerks, some are just immature and fixated. But if she doesn't learn to tone it down a bit, they aren't going to accept her. No one wants someone who chases away the opposite sex."

Jordan decided to change the subject. "So, what's your major?"

"Psychology," Shawn said. "I want to be a social worker."

"That's cool."

"Have you decided on yours?"

Jordan shrugged. "I have time."

"Don't wait too long. You can always change careers. People do more now than they used to, but you should have something. Go talk to someone in the career counseling office. They have experience helping people figure it out."

Jordan thought about that. It was good advice. Shawn was easy to talk to, pretty, and...had made it clear that he was not interested in Jordan in that way. Besides, he had a better chance with Biff.

She had initially dismissed Biff as not being her type, but he was growing to like more than just his appearance. It was nice hanging out with him.

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