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36. Girl Talk

35. The girls get ready for the gy

34. Jack and Biff Take a Shower

33. A talk

32. Something Else is Off

31. Biff Daydreams About Playing a

30. Biff On Display

29. Marty Flirts With Heather, and

28. Marty Tries to Mess With Them

27. Not Much Talking

26. At the park

25. Heather and Biff's Observation

24. Heather and Biff notice someth

23. Pot...Meet Kettle

22. Lunchtime

21. Prepping for Guard Duty

20. Looking for somewhere to eat

19. Alexa Checks Their Results

18. Reporting to Alexa

17. On Patrol with Biff and Jordan

Greek Life: Girl Talk

on 2017-03-11 16:45:46

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Heather hadn't realized a few things until she had met Biff, Jordan, and Jack the other night.

They all actually lived in the same dormitory. It was a large building. Jordan actually lived in the room right below floor down. Jack and Heather lived in the other wing of the building, but Heather lived on the top floor and Jack on the bottom.

Now that they realized this, and were coming and going at the same time, they were seeing much more of each other.

There were several identical dorm buildings with two wings, built at the same time. These building surrounded a student center, which consisted of a cafeteria, a gym, and some activity rooms that could be reserved by students.

Heather and Jordan headed toward the gym. Heather usually focused on aerobic exercise...treadmill, bike, etc, to increase her endurance. But today she and Jordan drifted toward the weights. They could both stand an increase in strength.

"So, what's the inside track on Biff?" Jordan asked, curiously.

"Well," Heather said as they started to pump some iron, "He had a girlfriend for all of Junior Year into Senior. They broke up. I hated her. She was this stuck up jerk who thought she was God's gift to men and the school was like her kingdom. I always thought Biff was a jerk too at times...but the last few days...I think maybe he only acted that way to try to be the way she wanted him to be. He's been acting a lot more...sensitive."

"Sensitive like...emotional?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah..." Heather said.

"I like that. I mean...I've got a sensitive side too," Jordan said. "I got really excited when the Cubs won the World Series...after all those years. And with the sensitive get to put your arm around them and comfort them..."

"I didn't really have a steady guy in high school...I dated a bunch of people...but it never seemed to go anywhere," Heather said, honestly. "But if you are into Biff...why are you scoping out other guys?"

"I'm not with Biff yet..." Jordan said. "I'm a free agent right now. Besides, you aren't complaining about the view. Nothing wrong with admiring it, right?"

"I guess not...I's not like guys don't do that sort of stuff too," Heather said.

"Exactly," Jordan said. She paused. "This is a little light. I think I'll add another few pounds onto it." She swapped it for another weight that was a bit heavier.

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