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34. Jack and Biff Take a Shower

33. A talk

32. Something Else is Off

31. Biff Daydreams About Playing a

30. Biff On Display

29. Marty Flirts With Heather, and

28. Marty Tries to Mess With Them

27. Not Much Talking

26. At the park

25. Heather and Biff's Observation

24. Heather and Biff notice someth

23. Pot...Meet Kettle

22. Lunchtime

21. Prepping for Guard Duty

20. Looking for somewhere to eat

19. Alexa Checks Their Results

18. Reporting to Alexa

17. On Patrol with Biff and Jordan

16. Making plans

15. Bonding

Greek Life: More Oddness in the Shower

avatar on 2017-03-11 15:26:07

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"Oh, this feels perfect," Jack said elatedly, standing under the shower head and letting the water hit and flow down his body.

"Yeah," Biff said, nearby under another shower head. It was a communal shower room in their dorm building. If he played his cards right, soon he'd be doing this sort of thing in the Lambda Kappa Pi frat house instead. Best of all, he'd get away from that annoying guy he had for a roommate. He just had to get into that fraternity.

"And best of all, I'm far away from that asshole Heather," Jack said.

"Huh?" Biff asked. Did he just hear Jack refer to Heather as an "asshole"? He didn't think he had ever heard a girl referred to as that before.

"Sorry, I know she's your friend. But the girl is a total tool. You have to admit that."

There it was again. Guys were "tools", not girls.

"Jack," Biff said, turning off his own shower head and subconsciously wrapping a towel around his head, before turning towards him. The moment he laid eyes on him, however, the words he was about to say got caught in his throat. "Uh ... what are you doing?"

Looking up, Jack looked confused. "I'm shaving my legs. What does it look like?"

"Why are you shaving your legs?"

"Why wouldn't I shave my legs? I obviously don't want to be all hairy and gross."

Biff knew that what he was seeing was weird, but some part of him had to agree with Jack. In fact, Biff's own legs were hairy and probably needed a shave. Hold on, am I really thinking of shaving my legs? he thought. That was something girls did.

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