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33. A talk

32. Something Else is Off

31. Biff Daydreams About Playing a

30. Biff On Display

29. Marty Flirts With Heather, and

28. Marty Tries to Mess With Them

27. Not Much Talking

26. At the park

25. Heather and Biff's Observation

24. Heather and Biff notice someth

23. Pot...Meet Kettle

22. Lunchtime

21. Prepping for Guard Duty

20. Looking for somewhere to eat

19. Alexa Checks Their Results

18. Reporting to Alexa

17. On Patrol with Biff and Jordan

16. Making plans

15. Bonding

14. Biff notices something odd

Greek Life: A Talk

avatar on 2017-03-11 09:47:24

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"Hey, guys!" Biff called over to Jordan and Jack. "We were thinking of heading back to the dorms and getting cleaned up. Are you two coming?"

Jordan shrugged her shoulders but Jack examined himself and then sniffed his armpits. "Sure," he said. "I could do with a shower. I feel gross."

Heather looked him up and down and unconsciously licked her lips. "You look pretty fine to me baby." She said. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Thanks but I really need to take a shower." He quickly caught up with Biff. "Let's go." He said and the two boys started walking back towards the campus.

Heather sighed and looked over to Jordan who just nodded and started to follow the boys.

"One of these days I'll be able to get in to Jack's pants." Heather said to Jordan as they walked slightly behind the boys. Heather found herself staring at Jack's ass as he sashayed along the sidewalk.

Jordan was confused. "So wait? You're in to Jack?" She asked. Heather nodded licking her lips again. "But I thought you were in to Biff." Jordan told her.

Heather laughed. "Me and Biff?" She asked. Heather shook her head. "Sure he's kinda hot but no, we're just friends. We used to go to high school together."

Jordan nodded. "I see." She said. "So you wouldn't mind if I asked Biff out?" Jordan asked.

Heather shook her head. "No not at all." She said. Jordan smiled.

"Great, thanks."

Meanwhile ahead of the girls Jack looked behind him back at Heather and Jordan. Heather saw this and winked at him. Jack shuddered and turned back round to concentrate on where he was going.

"So you and Heather seem close." Jack commented. "Are you two, you" He asked Biff.

Biff was surprised. "What!?" He asked. "No, we're just friends. If you can call it that." Biff said and noticing Jack's look of confusion he added. "We used to go to high school together but we didn't really know each other very well." He explained. Jack nodded.

"I was on the football team and Heather was on the swim team but we never hung out. When we got here Heather was the only person that I knew so we just got chatting together." Jack nodded again but this time looked a little sad.

"Are you alright?" Biff asked.

"I'm fine." He said sniffling a little. "Wait, Jack's crying?" Biff thought to himself. "What a wuss." But a part of Biff felt sorry for Jack. He stepped closer to Jack and put his arm around him.

"I was kind off hoping that if you two were dating or something then that would push Heather off me." Jack said. "She's been pestering all day asking me out but she's just not my type." He explained.

Biff nodded and looked back at the two girls who were now in deep conversation about something. For a moment Biff wondered what it was about but then he shook his head. It was probably about football.

Turning back around Biff tried to comfort Jack. "Don't worry Jack. I'm sure she'll get the hint at some point." He said.

Jack nodded, sniffing as he wiped a tear away. "I hope it's soon." He said.

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