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32. Something Else is Off

31. Biff Daydreams About Playing a

30. Biff On Display

29. Marty Flirts With Heather, and

28. Marty Tries to Mess With Them

27. Not Much Talking

26. At the park

25. Heather and Biff's Observation

24. Heather and Biff notice someth

23. Pot...Meet Kettle

22. Lunchtime

21. Prepping for Guard Duty

20. Looking for somewhere to eat

19. Alexa Checks Their Results

18. Reporting to Alexa

17. On Patrol with Biff and Jordan

16. Making plans

15. Bonding

14. Biff notices something odd

13. Splitting Up

Greek Life: Something Else is Off

on 2017-03-11 05:53:01

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Biff walked over to Heather, relieved that it was over, but he certainly had a few things to discuss with her.

"That was weird," he said.

"Yeah," Heather said. "Marty was trying to throw me off by coming on to me."

"Alexa did something like that too. I'm glad its over. I was starting to feel really uncomfortable," Biff said.

"Why? I mean...When Marty did that, part of me didn't mind the view...but still weird," Heather said.

"Do you think we're just being too sensitive?" Biff asked.

"Nah...can't be that," Heather said. "I was thinking that, but it doesn't seem right." She scratched her side thoughtfully. "It's been a long want to head back to campus?"

"Sure...I want to get cleaned up."

"You look fine," Heather said, checking him out a bit.

"I don't feel fine...I mean, my mind was really wandering during that. I kept thinking performing in a concert hall. I've never thought about being on stage before."

Jordan saw Biff and Heather talking and was a bit jealous, but she hadn't called dibbs on Biff or anything. Jack didn't seem like her type. Maybe she'd make a play for Biff at some point herself. Or tralk to Heather. She didn't want to compete over a guy.

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