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20. Going Home

19. Eat Him Out

18. Fuck Abner

17. Perfect Match

16. Find Abner

15. Bigger Crew

14. My Reward

13. 2 Fighters

12. Real Pool

11. Win Match

10. Play Darts

9. They Still Do

8. Party Invite

7. My Clique

6. Mixed Reults

5. My School

4. My Place

3. Omegaverse

2. Now Loading

1. The Future of Gaming

After the Party

avatar on 2021-12-30 02:33:41
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2022-04-14 17:20:00

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Lightly wiping the sweat, cum and spit off of his body, we were able to get him to a point where he could get dressed to. "We're lucky that I was able to get most of it out of you. You're still going to have to get some birth control pills though. We don't take any chances with things like this." I said. He nodded as he looked at me. "Thanks for looking out for me. Using your tongue like that was rough on you, right. I know that I wouldn't want to be tonguing down some guy's ass." he said gratefully. Abner thought that it was a burden. It was probably not going to do any good to tell him that I like it. It might weird him out. Or worse, he might find out that I was only seconds from just fucking him myself. "It was rough, but I'd do it for any of you guys. We're friends." was all I said as we left the room. Abner wanted to know where the others were. I told them about the Dukesh omega in the other bathroom. I held out my hand to him and he looked at it for a moment before firmly grasping it. We went back to the 3rd floor. It was finally time to leave this party. There were at least 2 rapists around here.

I called Myles and told them to come out. All 3 of them did and we got out of that house as a group. I then called the 1st cab and put Linus, Myles and the Dukesh inside of it. They needed to get to the dorms. "Go straight to your rooms and don't come back till morning. It might not be safe right away. Who knows how many of those cronies are staying at the dorms? If something happens and I need you, I will get you." I said. The cab then began to pull off. Abner and I watched as they left. I called another one. This was to take us to the hospital and get that birth control directly from the source. I was not going to play around. There was an alpha that came in an omega without a condom. That was all that was needed for a pregnancy. I was going to see that Abner got the preventative care that he needed. We went to the hospital, and he got seen by a doctor that specialized in omegas. Abner got the pills he needed and was instructed to take one within 24 hours of every time that he had some unprotected sex. We then made it back to the dorms and went our separate ways for the night.

We learned the Dukesh omega we rescued was named Gideon Rowan. He was also an upperclassman in class 4-A. Since we rescued him, he realized it would be better if he joined our group as well. The ones that tried to get him drugged and rape him were still at school. That was the most rational choice for him to make. We had a strong roster now. There was Amias, Emory, Abner, Myles, Linus, Francis, Ansel and Gideon. That was 8 omegas in our 9-member group. We could almost fill a whole bench in the cafeteria at lunchtime. Francis and Ansel knew Capoeira. Abner and Myles were amateur boxers. The others still needed to train hard if they wanted to be useful in a fight. Because they were all getting very chummy and spent so much time together, their heats seemed to synchronize. It was the 3rd week of every month. I was happy about that. If they all had it at the same time, it would be easier to handle it. Francis and Ansel had been together as heat buddies for much longer and had been sexually active with one another a lot. Theirs was the on the 4th week of the month.

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