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18. Reporting to Alexa

17. On Patrol with Biff and Jordan

16. Making plans

15. Bonding

14. Biff notices something odd

13. Splitting Up

12. Heather finally arrives

11. Heather's morning

10. The morning after the party

9. Biff Meets A Very Different Ty

8. During the party

7. Competition

6. Introducing the team leaders

5. Pledging Ain't What It Used to

4. Running into an Old 'Friend'

3. 3 years later

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Greek Life: Reporting To Alexa

avatar on 2017-03-06 11:58:30

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The rest of the patrol that morning passed by very uneventful in fact both Jordan and Biff were starting to feel bored and in the case of Biff, hungry. They were just getting to the point where they needed to report back to Alexa so they started making their way back towards the park.

As they neared the park Biff spotted Heather and Jack heading in the same direction. Biff kind of felt bad for Heather, not only did she seem bored like them, but she also seemed annoyed. As they got closer Biff could see why.

Jack seemed to be pestering Heather about something. Biff couldn't hear what they were saying but from Jack's actions Biff could guess what it was. After all he had been like that back in high school.

"I'd never thought I'd say this." Heather said as they levelled up with each and made their way towards Alexa. "But thank god your here." She said to Biff. She seemed relieved as Jack started to turn his attention to Jordan, much to her annoyance.

"He's been pestering me all day and did the same last night." Heather said sounding exhausted.

Biff nodded. "I know how those sort of guys can be." He said. "Heck I was one of them back at school remember?" Heather nodded.

"Hey," Biff said changing the subject. "Jordan and I were thinking of getting something to eat once we've talked to Alexa. It's about lunchtime." He said looking at his watch. "Fancy joining us?" He asked her.

Heather smiled. "Sure, that sounds great." She said. She looked over towards Jack and Jordan. "Unfortunately though he'll have to come." She said glumly.

Biff looked confused. "We're supposed to stay with each other all day remember?" Heather explained.

"Oh right." Biff said nodding. "Sorry I must have missed that point."

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