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13. 2 Fighters

12. Real Pool

11. Win Match

10. Play Darts

9. They Still Do

8. Party Invite

7. My Clique

6. Mixed Reults

5. My School

4. My Place

3. Omegaverse

2. Now Loading

1. The Future of Gaming

Welcome Francis and Ansel

avatar on 2021-12-28 03:30:24
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2021-12-28 11:43:46

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It worked as they were already on friendly terms. They kept it respectful, and I continued my dancing. I lost sight of Simon and his clique. They must have already moved on or were just somewhere obscured by the crowd. If I needed them I could search for them later. I was more interested in enjoying myself at the moment. There was a bit of a commotion next to me when I got bumped from behind. A presumably alpha male Nudria was messing with an omega male Blaqis. The Nudria got shoved for his trouble. Shoved into me, no less. Looking closer, he was one of the ones that was groping Myles and making him uncomfortable. That made him a serial offender. I was going to have some fun with him. I wrapped my arms around him and started to grind on him. My dry humping was blatant. He froze in terror and looked over his shoulder at me. "Eyy bro. I'm an Alpha. You can ride the dick but get off my ass!" he said, flabbergasted. I shook my head as I did it harder. "You really like rubbing your dick all over people's asses. I'm just showing you how it feels." I told him. He growled at me.

Deep in his chest, that growl rumbled through him. I could feel it. I just held tighter before he could strike at me. He thrashed around to make me let go. He must not have had as high a level as Ann. He had to try and shake free from my grasp. Others had seen and heard what was going on and were just looking at us. There was just no way I could keep him in such an awkward hold for long. I just shoved him away before he could reverse the hold or break out and put me on the back foot. He stumbled forward and the Blaqis omega just slapped the shit out of him. The alpha did not know who to go to. Both of us disrespected him as an alpha. The omega took priority. It was not a surprise he would perceive him as the weaker target. I was going to help the omega fight the brute off. More exp. for me and all. The omega instead pulled off a perfect roundhouse kick to the attacker's temple. That just knocked him out cold on the pool deck. Everyone was silent for a long moment. The omega then walked up to me. "Thanks for the help, babe. I take Capoeira lessons." he said with a flirty wink.

Even better than the fighting prowess was when he started twerking on me. I was all for it and began to grind back on him as I grabbed his hips. That got me a death glare. I took my hands off. He smirked and went back to his dancing. DJ Bluebell went back to playing her music. Someone picked the alpha up and dragged him off to the side. When the song ended, we exchanged names. His was Francis Stevenson. My first instinct was to ask him to join our group. I had no doubt that we would be able to do it without too much objection from the others. We all liked him here. Even if a problem with Amias or Emory came up, we could smooth it out between us. I sat down in one of the chairs in the room. He took the initiative to sit on my lap. That was a good sign. Running my hands up his sides, I said "Francis. I run a group that protects omegas at school. If you want to join up with us, you can. I want to make sure that no one ever tries to hurt you." I said quietly. He went still. He raised a snow white eyebrow and said "That's you!? I didn't know that." "Is that a problem?" I asked.

Francis did not answer me. Instead, He positioned himself so that he was between my legs. The only thing he was wearing was a men's low cut boxer swimsuit with a seamless front. It was semi sheer and had an orange and white tie dye pattern. The front eliminated the center seam that often divided the package. With a woven waist band for comfort, he looked like he would be able to swim with ease. It also contained and framed his package and his big, toned ass. Since he was so thick, it looked like he was about to burst out of them. The rest of his body was thick too. He had the muscle tone of a fighter's body. It was pretty much what I wanted for my group. The omega in front of me was both sexy and powerful. "You found someone to play with, Francis?" someone said. Francis was soon joined by a similar looking Blaqis guy. It was more eye candy. He looked a bit more feminine than Francis, but his body was just as toned and fit. The newcomer was wearing a similar swimsuit, but the colors were inverted. Francis pulled the guy closer and said "This is Ansel Kimble. He's my heat buddy."

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