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6. On the Taxi Ride to the Restau

5. In the evening

4. That Afternoon

3. Everything appears to be norma

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

On the Taxi Ride to the Restauant, Jon Still Doesn't Notice

avatar on 2017-03-30 05:53:02

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During the taxi ride to the fancy restaurant, Jon looked out the window and watched the scenery, and the people filling it, pass by. Still nothing different, as far as he could see. Maybe that wish for something interesting to happen wasn't anything to fret about. If it already happened, it was too small a thing to notice.

Little did he know, all of reality had changed, including him. But would he or anyone else ever notice?

The taxi stopped, they paid the driver, then Jon and Zoe got out. So where were they having their romantic dinner date?

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