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10. Carving a modern-age Galatea I

9. Carving a modern-age Galatea I

8. Carving your friendly neighbou

7. Carving a modern-age Galatea I

6. Even gods can go with the time

5. Beware of Gods bearing gifts

4. By the pricking of my thumbs,

3. Shattered Stone

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Carving a modern-age Galatea IV: A sound mind dwells in a sound body

on 2016-03-17 18:01:27

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Between the ones I reclaimed by deselecting what perks I could and the ones added by the accumulated flaws, I actually managed to get the available points out of the red.
Satisfied for the moment I got back to defining Victorias appearance for the foreseeable future.
My initial change to her bodyfat-to-lean-ratio from 29% to 10% had already left her a lot fitter. A bit too fit actually.
With all these hard muscles and no visible fat to soften her outline, she looked as cuddly as a brick. In the end balancing body-fat-ratio, total weight, the mixture of Type 1 muscle-tissue (Weak but reliable) and type 2 (explosive bursts of power) and all the other variables in the "Fitness"-menu turned out to be nearly as complicated as deciding on the right combination of Perks and flaws. And I really wished there was some Strength and Dexterity stats I could be trying to balance instead.
But it felt like time well spent, as I admired Victorias lithe new appereance.
Somewhere along the way I had remembered from a forum discussion that Olympic speed-skating suits came pretty close to comic-book-costumes because the already incorporated Kevlar to protect against the blades of other skaters.
And the speed-skating suit with a familiar red and blue scheme, Victoria was wearing only added to the impression of seeing the newest addition to the MCU. It was too bad sportswear didn't come with a spider net motif, though.

After putting so much work into ensuring my girlfriend wouldn't have any complaints about her health, I probably deserved to sneak in a few changes of a more selfish nature. With her fitness ensured I doubt Victoria would complain about being more attractive either.
That Victorias bust had gone from 'modest' to 'petite', when I dropped some pounds was probably the most obvious aspect of her that could use some improvement. Not that I planned on going overboard, but I always considered their breasts as one of a womans finer features.
To my pleasant surprise the gain in 'Attractive' by bigger breasts was pretty much counterbalanced by the added 'Inconvenience'. Since I have no real idea how chest measures actually work (and none of the options mentioned the alphabet) I mostly went by eye.
Removing her clothing might have made the whole process easier, but also felt like an invasion of privacy. And whether it was movies or relationships, I try to avoid spoilers where possible, the big reveal at the end is always much more enjoyable that way

I wasn't sure why my personal Cupid found that funny, but they say the ways of God are pretty mysterious. That proverb probably applies to extradimensional beings claiming to be gods, too.
Be that as it may skintight spandex, unlike baggy t-shirts, gives you a pretty good idea of what's beneath so I just played with the chest size until there could be no doubt that Victoria was of the female persuasion. Karyn and Sarah would still reign supreme if they ever decided to give out a trophy for the schools biggest bust, but Victoria definitely wouldn't have to feel insecure in the locker-room. I wasn't entirely sure if cup size was actually a common topic in locker-rooms outside of animes. Personally I always felt a bit more out of shape when sharing the locker-room with members of a sports team, so there was probably some truth to it.

The face was another obvious choice for some final changes but what to change wasn't as obvious this time. Melting away some of the fat had given it some much needed definition, so she already looked pretty ok now. Well, I did plan to give her thick black eyelashes again....straighter teeth perhaps.....clearer skin never goes amiss.....
Small imperfections are the basis of designing a memorable character, so I stopped when Victorias face was on the verge of turning from 'attractive in a girl-next-door-kinda way' to plain 'attractive'.
Her mouth for one was much to wide to be considered conventionally attractive, and the nose was rather prominent, but when I changed her hairstyle so a few long golden bangs fell over her forehead and some longer ones framed her face the effect was positively mesmerizing. A good part might have been just my pride as her creator....lover....? None of these terms seemed to fit, but I was damn proud of my work regardless.
I spent a while idly winding a strand of hair around my finger while I imagined what it would be like to see that face filled with life. The slightly to wide mouth turning up into a smirk while she traded quips, her blue eyes narrowing dangerously as she gave someone 'The Look', seeing her sleeping face on the pillow beside me.... I felt an strange fluttering beneath my stomach at the last image.

Right, enough daydreaming. It wouldn't be long before I'd be able to see Victoria that in real life anyway since I was almost done.
On impulse I made her fingers long, dexterous and a bit more ''spidery', but overall I didn't feel like spending a lot of time on micromanaging the rest of the body. I went over the remaining stuff pretty quickly only making a few quick changes here and there.
When it came to choosing her clothes I decided to let her wear her 'costume' under her regular outfit, mostly as a joke. And if her clothes influenced what personality was generated it might turn her into a cosplayer, which would be a nice bonus too.
Choosing the rest of her outfit wasn't much of a challenge: I selected the sneakers, jeans and orange hoodie Cartoon-Gwen always wore. I couldn't remember what she wore beneath the hoodie so I went with a light-blue shirt. I liked the mental image of Victoria ripping it open to reveal the costume beneath, like Superman.

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