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236. Tiffany's married!?

235. Who is Gar's Counterpart?

234. Zoe tells Richard the news

233. Sally's clients

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227. Sally's morning

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224. Is It a Swap or a Mid-Life Cri

223. Gary's uncomfortable

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220. Mikey's first day of high scho

219. Gossip

218. Jon arrives at school

217. Gary Has Talents

Slowly Swapping: Tiffany's Married!?

avatar on 2017-03-18 21:47:49

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Earlier that day

Tiffany stood there staring blankly in to the wardrobe as she tried to contemplate what was happening to her.

"Honey?" Her mom asked coming in to the room. Tiffany cringed as her mother came up to her and put her arms lovingly around her neck. Her mother kissed her on the cheek and asked "are you alright?" Tiffany shuddered again.

"Maybe you should take the day off work." Her mother suggested concerned.

"Work." Tiffany thought to herself. How was she supposed to go to work when she had no idea what she did or even where she worked? That was one of the many strange things that had happened to her overnight. Still confused Tiffany thought back to yesterday.

"Mom! I'm home!" Tiffany shouted as she returned home from school. There was a noise from the kitchen and then her mom came out of the kitchen. She beamed at Tiffany.

"Welcome home honey." Her mother said approaching her with her arms out wide.

"O...k?" Tiffany said confused. This was not normal behaviour for her mother. She normally just asked her how her day was. Her mom then pulled her in to a hug and then kissed Tiffany fully on the lips.

Shocked, Tiffany struggled to break free. "Mom!?" She gasped when she finally broke from the kiss.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany asked looking at her mother confused.

"Just showing you how much I love you dear, that's all." Her mom replied smiling at her. Tiffany cringed a bit when she saw her mom gaze in to her eyes.

"But why did you kiss me?" Tiffany asked. This time it was her mom's turn to look confused.

"Because that's was wives do when they love each other." Her mom explained matter of factly.

"Wives!?" Tiffany repeated raising her voice.

"Of course wives. Honey." Her mom replied now looking very worried. "We are married after all." She said holding up her hand to show Tiffany her wedding ring.

Tiffany stared at her mom's hand with her mouth open. She then looked at her own hand and sure enough there was a ring on her finger as well. That's when Tiffany fainted.

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