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229. Gary Tries to Change His Image

228. A touch up before class

227. Sally's morning

226. Robert meets his new friends

225. Gary is annoyed

224. Is It a Swap or a Mid-Life Cri

223. Gary's uncomfortable

222. Taller

221. Mikey Has a Swap

220. Mikey's first day of high scho

219. Gossip

218. Jon arrives at school

217. Gary Has Talents

216. carpooling to school

215. Things Begin to Converge

214. Zoe the CEO

213. Jon Has Lost Hope

212. of fto school

211. Mom and Daughter Talk

210. the next morning

Slowly Swapping: Gary Tries To Change His Image

on 2016-11-02 12:01:27

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Gary struggled as Melissa applied the makeup but she wouldn't stop. Eventually she stopped and then stood back to admire her handiwork.

"There, that's better." She said. "Come on. We've got to go." And she grabbed Gary's hand and dragged him to class without giving him a chance to look at what she had done.

Gary looked particularly unhappy at the invasion of his personal space, even though Melissa seemed to be doing it to help.

Mr. Harper turned out to be a social studies teacher. Good, Gary thought. That stuff is a breeze

"Can anyone tell me how many years the term is for a United States Senator?"

Gary raised his hand.

"Anyone...anyone at all?" The teacher said, ignoring him.

Even if people knew, no one seemed inclined to participate.

"What is it, Miss Meadows?" Mr. Harper said, sounding like Gary was not his favorite pupil. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"

"No, I wanted to answer the question."

"Very well then...have at it."

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