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224. Is It a Swap or a Mid-Life Cri

223. Gary's uncomfortable

222. Taller

221. Mikey Has a Swap

220. Mikey's first day of high scho

219. Gossip

218. Jon arrives at school

217. Gary Has Talents

216. carpooling to school

215. Things Begin to Converge

214. Zoe the CEO

213. Jon Has Lost Hope

212. of fto school

211. Mom and Daughter Talk

210. the next morning

209. Mikey and Chores

208. Bedtime

207. Tomorrow is a School Day

206. Mikey and Sarah

205. Mikey Discovers Another Surpri

Slowly Swapping: Is It a Swap or a Mid-Life Crisis?

on 2016-10-27 01:23:26

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Gary realised what he meant. "What!?" He said shocked. "No way!" And then he grabbed Melissa's hand and dragged her away from the guys.

"What are you doing?" Melissa said.

Gary didn't stop until they were alone in the stairwell. "Can you believe him?" He insisted.

"What do you mean? I mean, you are usually up for it," Melissa said.

"Look...something is going on. And you won't believe me...but whatever you think about me...isn't the truth."

Melissa looked at him. "If you want to have some kind of mid-life crisis, Gar..." she said.

"Who exactly do you think I am? If you were to describe me?" Gary said.

"Well, you're my friend. You're on the cheerleading squad. You like pink. You're fun..."

"And everyone is treating me like I'm some could of sex-crazed idiot..."

Melissa shrugged. "Well, you talk about boys all the time...I mean...if you want to stop..."

He looked at her and made a rather frustrated noise.

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