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212. of fto school

211. Mom and Daughter Talk

210. the next morning

209. Mikey and Chores

208. Bedtime

207. Tomorrow is a School Day

206. Mikey and Sarah

205. Mikey Discovers Another Surpri

204. Dinner with the Family (Alt)

203. Dinner with the Family

202. Robert at the Gibson's

201. Zoe isn't Good with Young Kids

200. Amanda has news for Zoe

199. Amanda and Zoe

198. Robert needs to be somewhere e

197. Talking Things Out (Alt)

196. Zoe Takes Charge

195. Confrontation

194. Speeding

193. Zoe to the rescue

Slowly Swapping: Off To School

avatar on 2016-10-22 07:46:02

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"The best advice I can give you, to let him come to terms with this."

Jon nodded. He ate his cereal. Once he had finished Jon headed back to his room and put on a pair of brown leather knee high boots. He picked up one of his new handbags that matched his top and then went back downstairs.

"Bye mom" he said.

"Have a good day at school sweetie" his mom called from the kitchen.

Jon left the house to meet up with Karyn.

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