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208. Bedtime

207. Tomorrow is a School Day

206. Mikey and Sarah

205. Mikey Discovers Another Surpri

204. Dinner with the Family (Alt)

203. Dinner with the Family

202. Robert at the Gibson's

201. Zoe isn't Good with Young Kids

200. Amanda has news for Zoe

199. Amanda and Zoe

198. Robert needs to be somewhere e

197. Talking Things Out (Alt)

196. Zoe Takes Charge

195. Confrontation

194. Speeding

193. Zoe to the rescue

192. Crisis at the Hammonds

191. At the Clubhouse

190. Alex

189. Sally's date

Slowly Swapping: Bedtime

avatar on 2016-10-21 19:29:12

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Sarah smiled at Mikey, thinking he was nice and pretty. She wasn't sure why she heard people say mean things about him.

After dinner, Linda and Mikey went back into the living room to finish their game. Mikey decided to help his mom clean up.

As they finished cleaning up Roger looked at his watch. "Oh my! Is that the time?" He asked himself. Roger went into the living room where Linda and Sarah were just finishing their game.

"Sarah. It's late and tonight's a school night." He said.

"AW," Sarah whined. "Can't I stay here?" She asked. Looking up at Roger pleadingly.

"Won't your parents wonder where you are?" Roger asked.

Sarah shook her head. "Nope. They're out tonight so they won't even know I'm gone".

Roger placed his hands on his hips and sighed. "OK then." Roger said. "I guess you can stop the night. I'll go and make the guest room." Sarah gave a cheer.

"But once I'm done it's bedtime OK mister?"

Sarah nodded and she loaded up another game to play with Linda.

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